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Drug War Chronicle #1095 - April 30, 2020

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_234.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_234.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

There's a push on to allow state-legal marijuana businesses to get pandemic aid relief, Arkansans are heading across the state line for cheaper, more accessible medical marijuana, and more.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Even during the pandemic, corrupt cops keep going down. A former Ohio DARE officer is in big trouble and so is yet another Baltimore police officer.
Will the Supreme Court take up a case challenging marijuana's designation as a Schedule I drug? Stay tuned. (Creative Commons)
Will the Supreme Court take up a case challenging marijuana's designation as a Schedule I drug? Stay tuned. (Creative Commons)

Plaintiffs in MJ Scheduling Case vs. DEA Look to Supreme Court, NJ Voters Ready to Approve Legal MJ, More... (4/24/20)

A New Jersey poll shows strong support for approving a November marijuana legalization initiative, California state government agencies are moving to ease the pandemic burden on marijuana businesses, the Supreme Court is being asked to rule on whether marijuana's designation as a Schedule I drug is unconstitutional, and more.
The Colombian government isn't letting a nationwide coronavirus curfew interfere with its war on coca producers. (Pixabay)
The Colombian government isn't letting a nationwide coronavirus curfew interfere with its war on coca producers. (Pixabay)

Coronavirus Doesn't Halt Colombia Coca Offensive, MT Court Hears Pleas for Electronic Signature-Gathering, More... (4/29/20)

Whether Montana marijuana legalization campaigns can use electronic signature-gathering is now in the hands of a state judge, an Indiana judge orders the return of a Land Rover whose case changed federal asset forfeiture law, Colombia's campaign against coca continues despite the pandemic, and more.