A trio of meth-dealing cops get federal prison in two separate cases, a pot-slinging policeman gets state prison in Texas, another prison guard with a sideline has gone down, and another cop can't keep his hands out of the evidence room cookie jar. Let's get to it: In Muskogee, Oklahoma, two former Sallisaw police officers, including a former police chief, were sentenced to federal prison May 23. Former Sallisaw Police Chief Billy Sizemore, 67, got five years, while his son, former officer Terry Don Sizemore, 40, got ten. The pair had pleaded guilty in February to possessing methamphetamine with the intent to distribute. The Sizemores went down in December, after Sallisaw police detectives called in the feds upon developing evidence the pair were dealing. The feds seized more than 250 grams of speed, as well as more than $3,000 cash Billy Sizemore had on him when he was arrested. In Scranton, Pennsylvania, a former police officer was sentenced May 24 to 27 months in federal prison on meth charges. Kevin Schlosser, 36, who worked as a part-time police officer for the Ulster Township, Athens Borough, and South Waverly police departments, pleaded guilty last July to conspiracy to manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine. Schlosser went down as part of a DEA and Pennsylvania State Police investigation into meth trafficking in Bradford County. In Troup, Texas, a former police officer pleaded guilty May 24 to tampering with marijuana police seized as evidence from drug suspects. Former Troup Police Sgt. Samuel Turner, 47, faces two to 10 years in prison. He and ex-chief Chester Kennedy were arrested March 2 after investigators noticed that despite numerous pot busts, the force never submitted any marijuana as evidence or for testing. Turner confessed to using some of the marijuana himself and giving some to a confidential informant. He will be sentenced July 21. Kennedy has not yet been indicted. In Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, a Dodge Correctional Institution officer was arrested May 22 on four felony drug counts after he was found growing 130 marijuana plants at home. Officer Paul Krumweide's charges included manufacturing marijuana and maintaining a place for drug trafficking. In addition to 132 pot plants, police seized more than a pound of psychedelic mushrooms and three pounds of dry marijuana. Krumweide has allegedly told investigating officers he grew pot for profit since 2003. He awaits a July 7 preliminary hearing. In Melrose, Massachusetts, drugs have gone missing from the evidence room and a detective is under suspicion, the Boston Globe reported. Melrose Police Detective Kevin Stanton has been suspended with pay since January 26, when he failed a polygraph test about missing drug evidence. According to a march police report, Stanton has admitted stealing and consuming narcotic Percocet tablets and marking them as destroyed. Stanton, a 12-year veteran, is now under criminal investigation and is not cooperating with police.