Weekly: This Week in History 3/31/06

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April 1, 1909: The Opium Exclusion Act takes effect.

April 2, 2003: US Rep. Ron Paul asks the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) to investigate whether the Office of National Drug Control Policy violated the Congressional ban on spending funds on publicity or propaganda.

April 3, 1953: With the support of Allen W. Dulles, director of Central Intelligence, Richard C. Helms proposes funding for a biochemical warfare research program named MKULTRA, which among other things administered LSD to its unwilling participants.

April 6, 1995: ABC News airs a special entitled "America's War On Drugs: Searching For Solutions" in which legalization is presented as an alternative to the failing war on drugs.

April 6, 1998: Dr. Dennis Rosenbaum's six year study of 1,798 students, "Assessing the Effects of School-based Drug Education: A Six Year Multilevel Analysis of Project DARE," finds that "DARE had no long-term effects on a wide range of drug use measures," that DARE does not "prevent drug use at the stage in adolescent development when drugs become available and widely used, namely during the high school years," and that "DARE may actually be counterproductive."

April 6, 2000: The First National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics convenes at the University of Iowa.

-- END --
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Issue #429 -- 3/31/06

Drug War Chronicle, recent top items


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Feature: Angel Raich Tries Again on Medical Marijuana, But Judges Sound Skeptical | Feature: Department of Education Backs Down in Face of Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit Seeking Drug Provision Data | Feedback: Do You Read Drug War Chronicle? | Law Enforcement: This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories | Law Enforcement: Mississippi SWAT Team Injures Elderly Couple in Botched Methamphetamine Raid on Wrong Home | Marijuana: Cincinnati City Council Votes to Recriminalize | Drug Testing: Virginia County Drug Tested Sewage at Drug Czar's Request | Pain and the Drug War: Sentence Cuts for Myrtle Beach Pain Doctors | Europe: British Police Using Thermal Imaging to Catch Marijuana Growers | Southwest Asia: Rep. Souder Berates Administration as Soft on Afghan Opium, Confuses It with Heroin, Demands Aerial Eradication | Iraq: Officials Complain of Rising Drug Use, Trafficking | Latin America: US Puts $75 Million Bounty on Colombia's FARC Leaders | Media Scan: Tony Papa on Rockefeller Reform for Alternet, Ryan Grim Knocks Post on Meth Story for the City Paper | Weekly: This Week in History | Paid Internship: Unitarian Universalists for Drug Policy Reform/Interfaith Drug Policy Initiative | Weekly: The Reformer's Calendar

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