Weekly: This Week in History 9/23/05

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September 23, 2002: Mike and Valerie Corral's medical marijuana hospice near Santa Cruz, California, is raided just before dawn by federal agents. The Corrals are held at gunpoint while their co-op garden is destroyed.

September 24, 1997: A federal grand jury in San Diego indicts Mexican cartel leader Ramon Arellano-Felix on charges of drug smuggling. The same day, he is added to the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List.

September 25, 1996: Mere days before Congress adjourns for the year, Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA) introduces H.R. 4170, the "Drug Importer Death Penalty Act of 1996." Within a few days, the bill attracts a coalition of 26 Republican cosponsors. The legislation demands either a life sentence or the death penalty for anyone caught bringing more than two ounces of marijuana into the United States.

September 26, 2002: In a move that eventually leads to a lawsuit regarding unlawful interference in an election, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) awards a $3,000,000 grant to the governor's office in Nevada during the time when US Drug Czar John Walters is attempting to build opposition to Nevada's ballot initiative, Question 9, which proposes amending the state constitution by making the possession of three ounces or less of marijuana legal for adults. (Only two other states are awarded large SAMHSA grants at that time -- Michigan and Ohio, also facing drug reform initiatives.)

September 27, 2004: Struck by a drunk driver at four years old and paralyzed from the neck down, quadriplegic Jonathan Magbie dies from inadequate medical care while serving a ten day sentence for marijuana possession in a Washington, DC jail.

September 28, 2001: Drug Enforcement Administration agents seize files containing legal and medical records of more than 5,000 medical marijuana patients associated with the California Medical Research Center in El Dorado County when they raid the home and office of Dr. Mollie Fry, a physician, and her husband, Dale Schafer, a lawyer who earlier announced his bid for El Dorado County district attorney.

September 29, 1989: The domestic cocaine seizure record is set (still in effect today): 47,554 pounds in Sylmar, California.

-- END --
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Issue #404 -- 9/23/05

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Editorial: Time for Accountability | Feature: Endless Drug War, Endless Violence -- Hartford Looks for a New Way | DRCNet in Afghanistan: Reformer Conference Approaches in Kabul as Americans and Russians Decry Afghan Opium Trade | Medical Marijuana: Wisconsin Bill Pending as Poll Shows Broad Support | Needle Exchange: Boston Crackdown Nets Needle Exchange Client | Marijuana: Boston's Freedom Rally Bounces Back | DRCNet T-Shirt Design Contest | Latin America: Three Spanish-Language Resources on Drug Policy Available | Web Scan: Change The Climate, Rockefeller Laws, Jonathan Magbie, Marc Emery, More... | Weekly: This Week in History | Weekly: The Reformer's Calendar

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