Update: Schapelle Corby Sentenced to 20 Years 5/27/05

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As press time approached this week, we learned that Australian citizen Schapelle Corby, a cause celèbre for her trial in Indonesia on marijuana charges, was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Read our previous article, Nightmare in Bali: Young Australian Woman Faces Possible Death Sentence for Marijuana Smuggling in Case Stirring Passions for extensive background and click here for an Australian news update.

-- END --
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Issue #388 -- 5/27/05

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Editorial: Reasonable Standards | Feature: Federal Bill to Rein in Anti-Drug Task Forces Introduced in Response to Tulia Scandal | "Drug Tourists" Provoke Competing Cries for Regulation, Repression in Holland | Chances of Medical Marijuana Passage in Statehouses Now Focused on Northeast | Announcement: DRCNet/Perry Fund Event to Feature US Rep. Jim McDermott, June 1 in Seattle | Weekly: This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories | Marijuana: Maine Governor Wants to Increase Fines to Pay for Narcs | Congress: House Bill Would Let "Victims" Sue Drug Dealers, But Only if They Snitch | Southwest Asia: Azerbaijan, US Sign Anti-Drug Agreement Despite Human Rights Abuses | Europe: Swiss Panel Says New Drug Policy Should Include Alcohol, Tobacco, Opt for Pragmatism | Asia: Thai Drug War Now Targets Cocaine | Update: Schapelle Corby Sentenced to 20 Years | Weekly: This Week in History | Job Listing: Outreach Coordinator, Coalition for Higher Education Act Reform (DRCNet) | Weekly: The Reformer's Calendar

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