Middle East: Lawless Iraq Becoming Key Drug Corridor, INCB Says 5/13/05

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High levels of violence and instability, along with porous borders, are drawing drug traffickers to Iraq, the International Narcotics Control Board said Thursday. The country, under US military occupation since April 2003, is becoming a "key route" for heroin coming from another country occupied by US troops since December 2001, Afghanistan, the agency complained, saying it was "alarmed" by the development.

incised papaver specimens (opium poppies)
According to the INCB, drugs are transported through Iraq and into Jordan, where they join traditional drug trafficking routes into Europe. Jordan has seized "large quantities" of drugs on the Iraqi border – and not just Afghan heroin and opium. Jordan has also seized "a significant amount" of hashish and amphetamine-type stimulants, the agency said.

The development of drug trafficking in conflict-torn regions like Iraq is a no-brainer, said INCB president Hamid Ghodse in an interview with the BBC. "Whether it is due to war or disaster, weakening of border controls and security infrastructure make countries into convenient logistic and transit points, not only for international terrorists and militants, but also for traffickers," he said.

Although Iraqi authorities and the US military have their hands full combating a full-blown, double-barreled insurgency, they shouldn't forget about the war on drugs, Ghodse said. "You cannot have peace, security, and development without attending to drug control," he said.

-- END --
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Issue #386 -- 5/13/05

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