Weekly: This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories 5/6/05

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It's another full plate this week, with cops ripping off drug buyers, getting kinky on stolen cocaine, and trying to frame citizens. Let's get to it:

In Lumberton, Alabama, former police officer Leon Oxendine, 51, was sentenced to more than four years in prison Monday for planting evidence designed to implicate a man he suspected was selling cocaine and ecstasy. He pled guilty in September 2004 to witness tampering, making false statements to the FBI, and five counts of lying to a federal grand jury. According to testimony, Oxendine had an informant plant a computer disk containing the image of a $100 bill inside a Lumberton home in a crooked effort to nail the alleged offender.

In Dedham, Massachusetts, former state police Sgt. Timothy White is on trial on charges of stealing 27 pounds of cocaine, as well as marijuana and ecstasy. According to the Boston Herald, the proceedings promise prurience galore. White was supposed to destroy seized drugs for the state, but instead he is alleged to have stolen them, sold them, and partied so hardy with them that he ended up threatening to kill himself and/or his wife during a final, disastrous coke binge. Before that, prosecutors alleged that White, his wife, and fellow partiers engaged in coke-fueled kinky sex, partner-swapping, and bisexuality. His trial continues this week.

In Buffalo, New York, police officer Russell Funderburk, 39, is accused of participating in a $14,000 drug rip-off while on-duty, in uniform, and driving his marked police vehicle. Prosecutors allege that Funderburk and his brother-in-law, an accused cocaine trafficker, engineered a fake traffic stop bust. Funderburk's in-law, Frederick Nolley, arranged to meet with a customer for a drug buy, only to have Funderburk pull the customer over and "seize" the money, prosecutors said. Funderburk has been on suspension since he and Nolley were arrested along with 40 others in a DEA bust. He was originally charged with helping Nolley sell drugs by giving him tips to avoid detection. He was indicted April 28 on new felony drug conspiracy charges for the drug money rip-off.

-- END --
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Issue #385 -- 5/6/05

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Editorial: Bay State Agony | War on Drugs Shifts to War on Marijuana | Students at SUNY New Paltz Rally to Demand End of Marijuana Expulsions | "Marijuana Is Safer" -- Reformers Take Up a New Refrain | Announcement: DRCNet/Perry Fund Event to Feature US Rep. Jim McDermott, June 1 in Seattle | Medical Marijuana: Federal Bill Re-launched and Amendment Plans Announced at DC Press Conference | Weekly: This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories | Asset Forfeiture: Albuquerque Police Broke Law with Seized Funds | Methamphetamine: Oregon Doctors Reject Proposal to Turn in Meth Users to Health Officials | Methamphetamine: Meth-Cooking Demo at School Perturbs Parents | Oxycontin: Massachusetts Lawmakers Weigh Ban on Popular Pain Reliever | Prisons: Some Architects Call for Profession to Reject Prison, Jail Design Jobs | Needle Exchange: New Jersey Cities Expect NEP Approval Today | Needle Exchange: Massachusetts Meltdown | Reefer Madness: Feds Warn That Marijuana Makes Kids Crazy | Weekly: This Week in History | Job Listing: Outreach Coordinator, Coalition for Higher Education Act Reform (DRCNet) | Weekly: The Reformer's Calendar

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