Drugwarmarket.Com Seeking Information, Affiliations, Link Exchanges 12/3/04

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https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle-old/365 /drugwarmarket.shtml

DrugWarMarket.com, a web site that follows the economy of the drug war, is seeking web sites for affiliations and link exchanges. The site will launch in December.

DrugWarMarket.com is also seeking information on local drug economies -- if you have information on local law enforcement spending in relationship to the drug war, DrugWarMarket.com would like to know about it! Additionally, DrugWarMarket.com is also interested in information on the cost of drugs, including product, weight and price -- be sure to include the location you are writing about in your e-mail.

Contact DrugWarMarket.com at drugwarmarket@hotmail.com.

-- END --
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Articles of a purely educational nature in Drug War Chronicle appear courtesy of the DRCNet Foundation, unless otherwise noted.

Issue #365 , 12/3/04

Drug War Chronicle, recent top items


recent blog posts "In the Trenches" activist feed


DRCNet Event: Rep. Barney Frank to Keynote for Perry Fund Forum/Fundraiser, December 9, 2004, Boston | DEA Retraction of Pain FAQ Angers, Scares Doctors and Patients | Hurwitz Trial Update and Call for Support | Raich Case as Much About Federalism as About Medical Marijuana | Medical Marijuana at the Supreme Court -- a Taste of the Day's Events | Top Cops Say Drug War a Flop in Two New Surveys | Newsbrief: Group Can Display Marijuana Reform Ads, Federal Court Rules | Newsbrief: Supreme Court Puts Hold on Religious Ayahuasca Use | Newsbrief: Delaware Legislature to Take Up Needle Exchange Again | Newsbrief: Britain's Brave New World of Drug Testing Gets Underway | Newsbrief: Afghan Opium Farmers Claim They Are Being Sprayed With Pesticides | Newsbrief: Drug Policy Alliance Rejects Grant Over Anti-Terror Clause | Newsbrief: Federal Sentencing Guidelines Fill Prisons With Blacks, Hispanics, Study Finds | This Week's Corrupt Cops Story | This Week in History | New Harm Reduction Grant Program for Activism and Policy By and for Drug Users | Apply Now to Intern at DRCNet! | Drugwarmarket.Com Seeking Information, Affiliations, Link Exchanges | The Reformer's Calendar

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StoptheDrugWar.org: the Drug Reform Coordination Network (DRCNet)
1623 Connecticut Ave., NW, 3rd Floor, Washington DC 20009 Phone (202) 293-8340 Fax (202) 293-8344 drcnet@drcnet.org