Newsbrief: Schwarzenegger Vetoes Bill Barring High School Drug Testing 9/24/04

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California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) Saturday vetoed a bill that would have prevented school districts in the state from conducting random drug tests of students. The bill, sponsored by Sen. John Vasconcellos (D), had garnered not only bipartisan support in the legislature, but was also backed by the state Parent Teachers Association.

The bill was a direct response to efforts by drug czar John Walters and President Bush to expand the use of student drug testing as part of their war on drugs. It would have barred drug testing of any student unless there was a reasonable suspicion the student was using illegal drugs or alcohol "in the school environment" (

In his veto message, Schwarzenegger called the measure "unnecessary," saying "specific drug testing policies in schools are local issues." Under current law, Schwarzenegger noted, local officials can create a drug testing program if they feel it necessary. "I cannot support legislation that eliminates the ability of local school districts to make decisions based on the needs and values of their community. For these reasons, I cannot sign the bill," he concluded.

The veto didn't set well with Students for Sensible Drug Policy ( "Governor Schwarzenegger's veto is a major setback for students' rights and the legislative efforts to protect them," said SSDP executive director Scarlett Swerdlow. "Students have been long collateral damage in the drug war, but Schwarzenegger seems to want to make a predator out of every high school principal. Forcing drug tests on students only drives a wedge between them and the teachers they rely on for good drug education."

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