Media Scan: Chicago Reader on Tribune-Hemp Connection, Counterpunch on California and Medical Marijuana Doctors 8/20/04

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"Is California Spying on Pro-Cannabis Doctors?," Fred Gardner on the California Medical Board and doctors who prescribe medical marijuana, August 14-15 edition of Counterpunch:

"The Colonel's Weed," Stephen Young on the Chicago Tribune publisher's ill-fated 1930s hemp crop, July 30th Chicago Reader:

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Issue #350, 8/20/04 Editorial: Count the People | What We Are Watching at Drug War Chronicle | California Patients Sue to Get Seized Marijuana Returned | Recount of Nevada Marijuana Initiative Petitions Underway Following Federal Court Ruling | DEA, Academic Pain Specialists Issue New Guidelines on Prescribing Pain Relievers | Newsbrief: Canadian Marijuana Activist/Entrepreneur Marc Emery Jailed for 90 Days | Newsbrief: DEA Raids Massive California Medical Marijuana Grow | Newsbrief: Justice Department Using Pre-Written Op-Eds to Shill for Mandatory Minimums | Newsbrief: DEA Training Narcs in India | Newsbrief: Death Squad Killings Continue in Philippines, Civil Society Begins to Protest | Newsbrief: Iraq Reinstates Death Penalty, Includes Drug Trafficking | Newsbrief: Medical Marijuana "Sends Wrong Message" Claims Challenged By Decreasing California Teen Marijuana Use | Newsbrief: This Week's Corrupt Cops Story | Media Scan: Chicago Reader on Tribune-Hemp Connection, Counterpunch on California and Medical Marijuana Doctors | Part-Time and Temporary Job Opportunities at DRCNet | Job Opportunities at MPP | The Reformer's Calendar

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