It's important sometimes in grassroots politics to let our elected leaders know that we know what they are doing. Last Wednesday, 268 members of the US House of Representatives voted against medical marijuana -- they need to hear from their constituents that that was a bad vote that isn't appreciated. 148 members of the House voted for medical marijuana -- they need to hear from constituents that that was a good vote that is appreciated. Yesterday, DRCNet used our online grassroots lobbying system to send a "thank your Rep." e-mail to our supporters who are known to live in the districts of those 148 members of Congress who voted yes, and a "spank your Rep." e-mail to those in the districts of those 268. The e-mail linked to appropriate prewritten, editable letters that supporters could send to their own US Representatives by entering their names and addresses and clicking the send button, or by replying to the alert e-mail and entering a confirmation code in the subject line. The e-mail also included the name and the direct phone number of each recipient's own Rep., encouraging them to take the further action of making a phone call. Last but not least, we posted the results of Wednesday's vote online, in HTML, PDF, Excel and tab-delimited text formats. If you haven't responded to that alert yet, or if you're just curious about the details of the outcome, please visit to view the roll call and find out how your Rep. voted, and to send a "thank" e-mail, or a "spank" e-mail, whichever is appropriate. If you didn't receive the alert, that probably means that you haven't used one of our write-to-Congress forms before, or that the e-mail address you used at the time has gone bad. If you received the e-mail but we didn't have the right member of Congress listed, that probably means that you haven't used the site to write to Congress since your last move. So in addition to writing to your member of Congress about this week's vote, there is another reason to use our medical marijuana lobbying site: We will then have a record of your current location and hence your congressional district (and state legislative district), and will be able to send you similar targeted bulletins on legislation related to drug policy in the future. So visit and sign up! Thank you for your participation and support.