Web Scan: Richard Paey in Weekly Planet, Conference Photographs 6/18/04

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"Mandatory Madness," cover story by Eric Snider on pain patient Richard Paey in Tampa's Weekly Planet:

Photos and quotes from the Third National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics:

Photos from the 2004 NORML Conference and Lobby Day:

-- END --
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Issue #342, 6/18/04 Editorial: Which Cops Would You Pick for Your Town? | Major Religious Denominations Increase Pressure on Congress for Medical Marijuana | Atlantic City Challenges Attorney General, Passes Needle Exchange Ordinance | Swiss Parliament Rejects Marijuana Legalization | All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: Oaksterdam Disappearing... for Now | Newsbrief: Federal Judge Whitman Knapp Dead at 95 -- Exposed Police Corruption, Opposed Drug War Excess | Newsbrief: Canadian Marijuana Party in Unique Campaign Finance Scheme | Newsbrief: Philippine Travel Advisory | Newsbrief: Coca Tea Drinker Fired After Drug Test Wins Job Back | Newsbrief: ACLU Sues Detroit Over School Drug Raids | Newsbrief: Portugal Uses Reefer to Calm Soccer Hooligans | This Week in History | Web Scan: Richard Paey in Weekly Planet, Conference Photographs | The Reformer's Calendar

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