This Week in History 1/30/04

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February, 1985 (exact date missing): DEA agent Enrique Camerena is kidnapped and murdered in Mexico. Camerena's disappearance spotlights the pervasive drug corruption in Mexican law enforcement. The Mexican's lack of cooperation leads Commissioner of Customs William Von Raab to order a six-day Operation Intercept-style crackdown on the Mexican border. Camerena's body is found within a week of the border closing, but evidence of a cover up by Mexican officials is clear.

February, 1993 (exact date missing): A totally fictitious report of a methamphetamine lab inside the compound of a group of religious extremists in Waco, TX is used by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) to secure military support and training through Joint Task Force 6 (JTF-6) to assist in their upcoming raid.

February 1, 1909: The International Opium Commission convenes in Shanghai. Heading the US delegation are Dr. Hamilton Wright and Episcopal Bishop Henry Brent. Both tried to convince the international delegation of the immoral and evil effects of opium.

February 3, 1987: Carlos Lehder is captured by the Colombian National Police at a safe house owned by Pablo Escobar in the mountains outside of Medellin. He is extradited to the US the next day. On May 19, 1988 Lehder is convicted of drug smuggling and sentenced to life in prison without parole, plus an additional 135 years.

February 5, 1988: A federal grand jury in Miami issues an indictment against Panamanian General Manuel Noriega for drug trafficking. Noriega had allowed the Medellin cartel to launder money and build cocaine laboratories in Panama.

-- END --
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