Many DRCNet readers remember the work of Cheryl Miller, multiple sclerosis sufferer and medical marijuana patient/activist, who with her husband Jim lobbied and shamed numerous members of Congress and devoted countless days to the cause. Cheryl passed away in June (, and friends and supporters from around the country, along with drug reform organizations, are holding a two-day memorial event in Washington, DC this September 22-23. Cheryl's days will begin at 7:00am on Monday the 22nd, with a Memorial Table at the US Supreme Court. Sometime later to be announced, MS patients will visit the National Capital MS Society office. A half hour before sunset (roughly 6:30-7:00pm EDT), the candlelight vigil will commence, an event Cheryl had always talked about but never gotten to do herself. Then on Tuesday morning, 10:30am, there will be a press conference at the Rayburn House Office Building, after which patients and supporters will lobby Congress. Whether you can make it to Washington next month, please visit for further information on what's going on, for things you can do in your own communities, or to make a donation to the project. DRCNet is a cosponsor of the event, and we will see you there!
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