Bad Neighbor Policy: Learn All About the Drug War in Latin America through DRCNet's New Book Offer 7/25/03

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On the heels of the closest-ever vote on the US-driven drug war in Latin America, there's no better time to buy and read Ted Galen Carpenter's new book "Bad Neighbor Policy: Washington's Futile War on Drugs in Latin America." Carpenter, who is vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the libertarian Cato Institute, is a "succinct, hard-hitting, fact-filled narrative of our quixotic crusade and its consequences," according to Phil Smith's book review in last week's issue of The Week Online (

You can get your own copy of "Bad Neighbor Policy" from DRCNet by visiting our donation page at and making a contribution of $35 or more -- or donate $60 or more and get two copies -- one for you and one for a friend or for foreign policy staffer in your Congressman's office when you go there to talk about this and other issues. Since most of the Members of Congress who need to be swayed on this issue are Republicans, and since Republicans like the Cato Institute because of their free-market economic stances, Carpenter's book is a fine choice to use for that purpose.

DRCNet needs your help to continue our work. Though funding prospects for later in the year are promising, your help is very much needed in the meantime -- DRCNet literally will be unable to pay its bills or payroll or keep its online petitions to Congress running through even next month, without your support. So please visit to make a generous donation by credit card or to print out a form to send in with your donation by mail -- or just send your check or money order to: DRCNet, P.O. Box 18402, Washington, DC 20036 -- and contact us for instructions if you'd like to make a contribution of stock.

"Bad Neighbor Policy" comes out as the infamous airplane shoot-down program that claimed the life of missionary Veronica Bowers and her daughter resumes in Peru and spreads to Brazil, and the book opens with a recounting of that tragic incident. Carpenter has written a thorough, tightly-written overview of the insanity of the drug war in Latin America, offering critical analysis in an urgent issue dominated by hysteria and politics. Whether you're new to drug policy, or you're looking for a solid history and reference with all the most important facts about the Latin American drug war in one place, "Bad Neighbor Policy" will anger and enlighten.

So visit to donate and order your copy today! Please note that donations to the Drug Reform Coordination Network are not tax-deductible. If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation to support our educational work, make your check payable to DRCNet Foundation, same address. Thank you for your support.

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Issue #297, 7/25/03 Editorial: Follow the Undercurrents | Bad Neighbor Policy: Learn All About the Drug War in Latin America through DRCNet's New Book Offer | Historic Medical Marijuana Vote in House -- Support Rises, But Not Yet Enough | House Defeats Effort to Divert Colombia Military Aid, Barely | DRCNet in Action: Grassroots Action on Medical Marijuana and Colombia Votes | DRCNet Interview: Baldomero Cáceres, Advisor to the Confederation of Peruvian Coca Growers | Unapproved Vancouver Safe Injection Site Gets Unwanted Police Attention | Newsbrief: The Opium Files -- Afghanistan at a Record Pace This Year | Newsbrief: The Opium Files -- In Welsh Fields, the Poppies Grew | Newsbrief: The Opium Files -- Feds Find Plantation in Midst of California Forest | Newsbrief: This Week's Corrupt Cops Story | Newsbrief: Wisconsin Weedstock Wins Appeals Court Victory | Newsbrief: Australian Safe Injection Room a Success, Say Evaluators | Newsbrief: Spanish Government Okays Heroin Maintenance in Catalonia | Newsbrief: Dr. Strangelove, Please Call Home -- Connecticut Scientists Compile Marijuana DNA Database to Track Trafficking | Newsbrief: Michigan Lawmakers Introduce Anti-Methamphetamine Package, Includes Life in Prison for 1,000 Grams | The Reformer's Calendar

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