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The Week Online with DRCNet
(renamed "Drug War Chronicle" effective issue #300, August 2003)

Issue #237, 5/17/02

"Raising Awareness of the Consequences of Drug Prohibition"

Phillip S. Smith, Editor
David Borden, Executive Director

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  1. Medical Marijuana Wars Heat Up: Activists Announce Day of Direct Action Against DEA, Plan Emergency Response to Expected Raids
  2. Anti-Drug Ads a Flop, Says Drug Czar, Please Give Us Money for More
  3. New Medical Marijuana Web Site Provides Forum for Warring Views, In-Depth Exploration of Issue
  4. Budget Crunch I: As Oklahoma Goes Broke, Drug War Fuels Ever-Increasing Prison Budgets
  5. Budget Crunch II: Massachusetts Vote Imperils All of State's Methadone Clinics, Supporters Mobilizing
  6. Prison Reform Advocates Blast 7 UP Commercial for Trivializing Prison Rape, Call for Boycott of Cadbury Schweppes Product
  7. Newsbrief: Nevada Petition Drive to Legalize Marijuana Possession Underway
  8. Newsbrief: Madison Suspends Raves at County Venue
  9. Newsbrief: Barr Booed for Anti-Pot Remarks in Home District Event
  10. Newsbrief: Canadian Mounties Follow US Lead, Discover Drug-Terror Connection
  11. Newsbrief: Canada Prisons Propose Ignoring Inmate Cannabis Use
  12. Newsbrief: Afghan Warlords Allied to US Growing Rich Off Opium Trade, Says Expert
  13. Newsbrief: Dionne Warwick Busted for Marijuana at Airport Amidst Heightened Airline Security
  14. Newsbrief: Pipe Bong Found in Rural Illinois Mailbox
  15. Clarification from Dana Beal
  16. Articles and Resources
  17. The Reformer's Calendar

this issue, one-page printer version

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