EVENTS: San Francisco, Hamburg 5/26/00

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June 3, 8:00pm, Mt. Clemens, MI, Fundraiser for PRA 2000 initiative. At Performance Cafe, 173 North Gratiot, $5 cover charge, 21 with ID to enter. Presentations by PRA 2000 author Greg Schmid, Jam Rag editor Tom Ness and libertarian candidates Richard Friend and Marvin Marvin. Call (517) 239-9000 or visit for further information.

August 10-13, San Francisco, CA, "Fourth Annual Hepatitis C Conference," sponsored by the HCV Global Foundation. For information or to register, visit or contact Krebs Convention Management Services, 657 Carolina Street, San Francisco, CA 94107-2725, (415) 920-7000, fax (415) 920-7001,

October 11-14, Hamburg, Germany, "Encouraging Health Promotion for Drug Users Within the Criminal Justice System," at the University of Hamburg. For further information and brochure, contact: The Conference Secretariat, c/o Hit Conference, +44 (0) 151 227 4423, fax +44 (0) 151 236 4829,

-- END --
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Issue #138, 5/26/00 Students and Supporters Claim Partial Victory in Higher Education Act Drug Provision Vote | Coalition for HEA Reform -- Letter to Congress | DPF Conference Video Footage Online | Meddling in Michigan: Taxpayer Money Expended in Ballot Initiative Fight | Ambitious Ballot Initiative Moves Ahead in California | Florida Officials Seriously Overcount "Club Drug" Deaths | Missouri Becomes Fourth State in Nation to Pass Racial Profiling Legislation | Michigan Lawmaker Proposes a Public Drug Offender Directory | San Francisco to Implement Medical Marijuana ID Cards to Protect Patients | EVENTS: San Francisco, Hamburg | Legislative and Media Alerts: California, New York, Washington State, Colombia, Meth Bill/Free Speech, Higher Education Act | Comedy Against the Drug War: Shaved Head with Chris Arcudi Playing West Hollywood Next Month | Job Opportunity in San Francisco | Adam J Smith Says So Long to Week Online Readers

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