Three weeks ago, we reported on the FDIC's controversial "Know Your Customer" banking rules proposal, and provided addresses for you to voice your objections to federal regulators (http://www.drcnet.org/wol/076.html#kyc). "Know Your Customer" is advocated by people who are frustrated at the failure of supply-side interdiction efforts to restrict the illicit drug supply, but who haven't yet admitted that anti-money laundering programs like KYC are also doomed to failure for extremely similar reasons. Fewer than 20 days are now left to contact the FDIC and demand that it drop the proposed "Know Your Customer" rule. The Libertarian Party has put up a new web site to make this especially easy -- http://www.defendyourprivacy.com -- so please take a few moments right now to sign the online petition, and then to forward this message to any friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, or other people you know personally who may be interested. Your petition will be submitted directly to the FDIC, and a copy will also be sent to your representative in the U.S. House and to both your U.S. Senators. Please also send us an e-mail at alert-feedback@drcnet.org to let us know that you've taken action -- we need your feedback to assess our impact and demonstrate our effectiveness to our funders.
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