Quote of the Week: Milton Friedman on Colombia 5/22/98

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"The available evidence indicates that our attempt to deprive individuals of the freedom to use drugs such as heroin and cocaine has done far more harm than good. It has filled our jails, corrupted our police, deprived people of their civil liberties and imposed unbelievable horrors on other countries such as Mexico and Colombia. On just this last issue -- the effect of our drug policy on other countries -- I have never found anyone able to give me a plausible answer on what right the U.S. has to destroy a country like Colombia just because we can't enforce our own laws. If we could enforce our laws, there would be no drug cartel there, no black market, no endless string of drug killings and less instability in the government. Because we can't enforce our laws, the country is being destroyed."

- Milton Friedman, San Jose Mercury News, 5/17, "Leading Question" weekly feature

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Issue #43, 5/22/98 "Operation Casablanca:" Feds' Big Money Laundering Bust Amounts to Chump Change | 40 Events Scheduled for Global Days against the Drug War | Another Bad Raid, Another Lawsuit for the City of New York | Reverend Calvin Butts Calls Rudolph Giuliani Racist | Medical Marijuana Summit Scheduled in California | House Amendment to Higher Education Bill Bars Marijuana Smokers from Receiving Student Aid | Bolivian Anti-Drug Squadron Eats Disabled Peasant's Fruit Crop, Leaving Her without Income | Quote of the Week: Milton Friedman on Colombia | Media Alert: Brandweek Takes on the Partnership | Link of the Week: Oregonians for Medical Rights | New Book: Dark Alliance by Gary Webb tells the whole CIA-Crack Story | Job Announcement: DPF Hiring an Assistant Communications Director | Editorial: Bad raids

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