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Changing Minds, Laws & Lives Campaign

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Prohibition costs money and lives, and doesn't work... With an economic reality that demands smaller government budgets and more people than ever discussing and joining the drug policy reform movement, we have a unique opportunity RIGHT NOW to make our case.

Join our 2009 Changing Minds, Laws & Lives campaign today:



  • Lobby Congress on current drug policy issues and track your congressman's votes on important bills affecting our issue.

  • Take on out-of-control drug war policing and launch new coalitions to change the direction of policy while following through on the work that's not yet done.

  • Build the movement by launching new organizations and supporting all our allies in the cause through our newsletter and web site.


  • Reduce the pain and suffering of individuals and their families caused by drug policies that don't work.

  • Work towards reducing illegal drug trade violence, mass incarceration of nonviolent offenders, the spread of deadly diseases, denial of needed medicines, dilution of Constitutional protections and disparate use of drug enforcement with respect to race and class.

Together, we can take advantage of this unique opportunity to push for drug policy reform NOW.

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