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Drug War Chronicle #628 - April 16, 2010

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director

Get your copy of 10 Rules for Dealing with Police, the new video that every activist -- and every American -- should memorize.

Harm Reduction: Colorado Bill Would Legalize Needle Exchanges

Legal needle exchanges may be coming to Colorado -- if a bill before the state Senate passes. But injection drug users in Boulder already benefit from an exemption allowing exchanges, and drug users in Denver can take advantage of an underground exchange.

Latin America: Mexico's Cartels Declare War on the Zetas

In the violent and volatile world of Mexican drug cartels, no alliance is forever. Now, the Zetas have grown too threatening, and the other cartels are joining forces against them. Meanwhile, Chapo Guzman and his Sinaloa cartel have taken Ciudad Juarez.

Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

"Michelle Obama's Awesome Plan for Winning the Drug War," "Drug Cartel Assassins Caught on Camera," "The Government is Still Trying (and Failing) to Prove That Marijuana is Dangerous," "The Best Argument Ever for Legalizing and Taxing Marijuana," "Teachers for Marijuana Legalization," "Dr. Drew Endorses Planting Evidence on Drug Users to Get Them Locked Up," "Mike Huckabee Compares Using Drugs to Committing Incest," "Eating Your Stash Won't Keep You Out of Jail."

Job Opportunities: CannBe Has Five!

CannBe, a medical cannabis consulting firm based in Oakland, CA, and comprised of many leaders in the medical cannabis industry and movement, is hiring high-achieving professionals for several open positions including Business and Organizational Development Specialist, Junior Government Relations Specialist, Operations Development Administrator, Office Administrator, and Partner Support Administrator.