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Appeal: Tax-Deductible Donations Needed for's Educational Work

Submitted by David Borden on (Issue #563)

Early last month we wrote seeking support for (DRCNet)'s lobbying programs, to help us lobby the Obama administration and Congress on causes near and dear to the hearts of drug reformers with which the President-Elect has said he agrees.

We are also seeking tax deductible donations to our educational programs, especially our web site, on which readership continues to go up and up. web site traffic has grown at 60% per year for the past two years, as the chart to the left shows, bringing our average number of visitors to more than 150,000 per month. Over two hundred thousand people are verified to have read election-related drug policy coverage on our web site since the primaries began in earnest last year, and that doesn't include the most numerous number of our readers, those who read the content on our daily blog on our home page.

notepad folder:

one book we offer:

As our thanks for your support, we continue to offer a wide range of books, videos and gift items to members donating over certain levels -- visit our donation page to read the full list. Also, everyone donating this week will receive a complimentary "Truth Campaign" notepad folder, and all donors will receive a bumper sticker and a square stop sign sticker, both being reprinted this month.

Drug policy reform is such an important issue, but it's an important issue that needs your help. We at need you to ensure that this time of change, will bring needed change, for a disadvantaged, demonized and under-represented group in our society, the targets of the brutal War on Drugs. Please donate today, and together we will make things happen.

Thank you very much for working to change this country's drug policies and for continuing to be part of And thank you for giving your support to our efforts at this important hour. Your contribution has never been more important.

David Borden
Executive Director, (DRCNet)
News & Activism Promoting Sensible Reform

P.S. Every day that goes by, 4,000 people are arrested for drug offenses, the vast majority of them minor, and half a million nonviolent drug offenders languish yet another day in the staggering number of prisons and jails the government has very unwisely built. It's time to stop this senseless tragedy and shocking injustice. Please increase your commitment to ending the drug war by donating to today. Thank you!

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