The District of Columbia Board of Elections announced this morning that it had approved a marijuana legalization initiative for signature-gathering. That means voters in the nation's capital could vote to free the weed in November.

Now, the DC Cannabis Campaign must gather some 25,000 signatures to qualify for the November ballot. But first, the Board of Elections must finalize the language for the measure. It has 20 days to do so.
The initiative would allow people 21 and over to possess up to two ounces of marijuana and grow up to three plants at home. If approved by the voters, it would still have to get an okay from Congress, which blocked the District's 1999 medical marijuana from being implemented for more than a decade. But that was a different era.
The initiative appears well-placed to win if it goes before the voters. A Washington Post poll in January had support for legalization at 63%, above the 60% comfort margin usually desired by initiative watchers at the beginning of a campaign.
Alaska voters are already set to vote on a legalization initiative there in August, and efforts are underway in the other most likely 2014 initiative state, Oregon, to get a measure on the November ballot there.
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This is gonna be rich - the gangsters in Congress will be able
to legally toke, while they still decree that cannabis has no medicinal role, let alone recreational.
Great news. Nail by nail, the coffin of alcohol supremacism is being built.
"approved for signature gathering"?
"Approved" by who? The petition MUST contain a "NO TAX" clause. No taxation on cannabis, the idiots in government have proven their disinterest in cannabis, UNLESS they can extort money from the more knowledgeable people through outrages taxation. NO. They lived all this time rejecting the revenue potential of cannabis products, they can just keep their greedy paws out of it. NO TAXATION ON CANNABIS WHATSOEVER. NOT EVEN SALES TAX.
D.C. Cannabis
Since the District of Columbia is a Corporation [ 1871 ] and not a State , how will the Managers in Congress react ? Current Republican managers now want to sue President Obama for not enforcing Federal Cannabis laws . Will be interesting to see how the Corporation responds to the will of the people .
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