Dear drug policy reformer:
I am pleased to announce the new Legislative Center. The Legislative Center can be accessed online here or by following the "Legislation" link from any page on our web site. The Legislative Center already includes:
- Info on hundreds of drug policy and related bills in Congress and the state legislatures, organized by issue category.
- An expanded set of federal action alerts. (State alerts coming next.)
- Legislative vote tallies and legislator voting records.
- Additional resources like a media outlet lookup, a basic how to guide for lobbying Congress and a voter registration tool.
Some of the highlights you'll find there:
- Legalization and decriminalization bills from 18 states and Congress.
- Zip code lookup of state legislators and US Representatives -- how they voted, their bios and histories, how to contact them.
- Alerts to take action on marijuana legalization, medical marijuana, sentencing reform, stopping new drug prohibitions and a commission to revamp the criminal justice system.
Please visit to support this new and expanded part of our online publishing. We need your support in these challenging economic times to afford the legislative tracking and advocacy system that makes it possible for us to do this, and to continue to take further steps to expand our advocacy programs. offers a range of books, videos and other items in thanks for donations above specified levels.
We also need volunteers. There's a lot of information in our Legislative Center now, but there is more that can be done -- finding any bills we may have missed, spotting new bills as they come out, tracking the legislation we know about, more. Please use our contact form or reply to this email to let us know if you'd like to get involved.
Thank you for being a part of changing drug policy, for the better!
David Borden, Executive Director
Washington, DC
This work by is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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