The British Labor government has created a firestorm of controversy with its firing of Professor David Nutt, head of the Advisory Committee on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) last Friday. Nutt was canned by Home Secretary Alan Johnson after the psychopharmacologist again went public with his criticism of the government for refusing to follow a science- and evidence-based drug policy.

The ACMD's charge is to "make recommendations to government on the control of dangerous or otherwise harmful drugs, including classification and scheduling under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and its regulations," its web page explains. "It considers any substance which is being or appears to be misused and of which is having or appears to be capable of having harmful effects sufficient to cause a social problem. It also carries out in-depth inquiries into aspects of drug use that are causing particular concern in the UK, with the aim of producing considered reports that will be helpful to policy makers and practitioners."
In 2004 the Labor government down-scheduled marijuana on the Advisory Committee's advice, shifting it from Class B, the middle rank in Britain's drug classification scheme, to Class C, the least harmful. The maximum sentence for possession of a Class C drug is two years; for Class B drugs it is five years. Tensions between the ACMD and Labor began rising last year, when Prime Minister Gordon Brown reversed that decision, saying he wanted to send a strong message that use of the drug is unacceptable. Tensions rose again when the ACMD recommended that Ecstasy be down-scheduled from Class A (most harmful) to Class B, and the Brown government promptly ignored that advice too.
At that point, Nutt went public with his criticisms of then Home Secretary Jacqui Smith. He also famously compared the dangers of Ecstasy to those of horse-riding, deeply offending both the horsey set and the Labor government. Smith told Nutt to shut up, and he managed to do so until last week.
Last week, in a lecture and briefing paper at the Center for Crime and Justice Studies at King's College London, Nutt accused Smith of "distorting and devaluing" scientific evidence when she decided to reclassify marijuana. He also said that Ecstasy and LSD are less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco.
"We have to accept young people like to experiment -- with drugs and other potentially harmful activities -- and what we should be doing in all of this is to protect them from harm at this stage of their lives," he said. "We therefore have to provide more accurate and credible information. If you think that scaring kids will stop them using, you are probably wrong."
Nutt's briefing paper included a ranking of various licit and illicit drugs by comparative harm. Heroin and cocaine were ranked the most harmful in Nutt's scheme, with alcohol fifth, marijuana ninth, LSD fourteenth, and Ecstasy eighteenth.
"We need a full and open discussion of the evidence and a mature debate about what the drug laws are for -- and whether they are doing their job," Nutt said.
That was too much for Home Minister Alan Johnson. He told parliament Monday that Smith had warned Nutt not to publicly disagree with ministry decisions again. "Well, it has happened again," said Johnson. "On Thursday October 29 Professor Nutt chose, without prior notification to my department, to initiate a debate on drug policy in the national media, returning to the February decisions, and accusing my predecessor or distorting and devaluing scientific research. As a result, I have lost confidence in Professor Nutt's ability to be my principal adviser on drugs."
Prime Minister Brown is standing behind Johnson. An official spokesman said the firing was based on the "important principle" that advisers should present advice to ministers but not speak out against their policy decisions. "It would be regrettable if there were other resignations, but this is an important point of principle," the spokesman added. "The government is absolutely committed to the importance of having independent advice and evidence presented by advisory bodies."
Nutt defended himself and attacked the government in a London Sunday times opinion piece. "My sacking has cast a huge shadow over the relationship of science to policy," he wrote. "Several of the science experts from the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) have resigned in protest and it seems likely that many others will follow suit. This means the Home Office no longer has a functioning advisory group, which is very unfortunate given the ever-increasing problems of drugs and the emergence of new ones. Also it seems unlikely that any 'true' scientist -- one who can only speak the truth -- will be able to work for this, or future, Home Secretaries.
One of the ACMD members who resigned, chemist Les King, said ministers were putting inappropriate pressure on scientists to make drug policy decisions based on political -- not scientific -- reasons. "It's being asked to rubber stamp a predetermined position," he said, warning that others could leave the council over the brouhaha. "If sufficient members do resign, the committee will no longer be able to operate," King said.
Scientist and Labor MP Robert Winston said Nutt had a "very reasonable" point about the relative dangers of legal and illegal drugs, and that he was disappointed by the firing. "I think that if governments appoint expert advice they shouldn't dismiss it so lightly," he said. "I think it shows a rather poor understanding of the value of science."
Reuters reported Saturday that the firing is causing consternation in scientific circles. Scientists told the news agency the decision could undermine the integrity of science in policymaking, including critical areas like health, the environment, education, and defense.
"Scientific data and their independent interpretation underpin evidence-based policy making -- and nobody rational could possibly want a government based on any other type of policy making," said Chris Higgins, chair of an advisory committee on spongiform encephalopathy, or "mad cow" disease.
Maurice Elphick, a professor of animal physiology and neuroscience at Queen Mary, University of London, said politicians should look elsewhere if they wanted data to back social policies and allow science to maintain objectivity. "If, however, politicians really do want to have an objective assessment of the relative risks to health of different recreational drugs, then they should listen to what the medical scientist has to say, not sack him." he said.
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"It's the (GBP) money, stupid!"
A brief look at a tax revenue chart shows that Great Britain presently collects about 10 billion pounds (Sterling) from tobackgo product taxes each year.
This must be understood as a bribe to H. M. Govt. to suppress cannabis, legalization of which would bring with it unambiguous legality of vaporizers, long-stemmed one-hitters and other dosage-miniaturization equipment, now easily suppressed on specious grounds of being associated with "dangerous drug" cannabis, which can doom the profitable hot-burning overdose $igarette marketing empire.
Trofim Lysenko is laughing in Hell
Looks like the Commies did win the Cold War after all. Lysenko prostituted science for the sake of the Russian Communist ideologues during the Cold War, and was amply rewarded, while better men literally went to the wall for insisting on factual information, politics be damned, and it set Soviet biological sciences back decades.
Now the same kind of thing is happening in the UK over illegal drugs. As happens regularly in the US, I might add. You have to wonder just how much collusion is taking place right now; I'd like to see the phone logs.
Cannabis Lysenkoism is an Economic Disaster
The heretication of research scientists in the U.K. and the United States is little more  than an obstructionist propaganda trick for prohibitionists. Prohibitionists donât want people to hear or read anything that will put a positive spin on illegal drugs. In the end their scheme denies everyone a virtual diamond mine in chemical and biochemical facts that can lead to new discoveries in plant medicine and biology in general.
British and U.S. drug propaganda diverts a vast amount of scientific talent available in each country away from policies that support health to policies that result in unnecessary sickness and death, mostly to prohibit the recreational use of a relatively benign herbal remedy. In this case cannabis use is recreational if itâs just someone unwinding from a tough day at the office.
The good news is that excellent research on cannabis and other illicit, uncontrolled substances is emerging from university research labs throughout the rest of the world. It will be these foreign countries that reap the huge profits thanks to new discoveries by their talented grad students who go on to work for competing foreign corporations, continuing their research on the mysteries and benefits to be found in psychotropic chemicals. Tough luck, U.S. and U.K.
The real catastrophe for prohibitionists is that for all the damage thatâs done by their meddling in science, the propaganda not only fails, its utter stupidity creates a blowback effect. California now stands ready to blow back by ending cannabis prohibition in its 2010 state election.
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