*DRUG TRUTH NETWORK PROGRAMS, Mar 13 to Mar 20, 2011*
*Cultural Baggage*, 03/13/11, 29:00, Joseph Collum, author "The Black Dragon - Racial Profiling Exposed" + Terry Nelson of LEAP and Drug War Facts with Mary Jane Borden
LINK: *http://www.drugtruth.net/cms/node/3310
*Transcript: Monday
*Century of Lies* 03/13/11, 29:00, Kevin Zeese of Voters For Peace, Prosperity Agenda, and Common Sense for Drug Policy re America's "Replacing the Rule of Force with the Rule of Law"
LINK: http://www.drugtruth.net/cms/node/3306
Transcript: Monday Late
*4:20 Drug War NEWS*, 03/14 to 03/20/11, 3:00 each, available at http://www.drugtruth.net on right margin
Sun - Joseph Collum, author "The Black Dragon" 2/2 Sat - Joseph Collum, author "The Black Dragon" re racial profiling 1/2 Fri - Kevin Zeese re US = Largest Empire in World History Thu - Kevin Zeese, Pres of Common Sense for Drug Policy re America's "mutual absolution society"
Wed - Kevin Zeese of Voters for Peace re American elites failure to submit to rule of law Tue - Terry Nelson of LEAP re DEA embrace of single minded policy Mon - Mary Jane Borden of Drug War Facts, re: "Loss of Voting Rights"
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