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Drug Truth Network 02/07/11

Submitted by dguard on

*DRUG TRUTH NETWORK PROGRAMS, Feb 6 to Feb 13, 2011*

*Cultural Baggage*, 29:00,  Irvin Rosenfeld, author of "My Medicine"

receives 300 marijuana cigarettes from the US government every 25 days + James Gilheany, busted for medical marijuana & "fried" chicken recipe from Sandy Moriarty, head chef at Oaksterdam U

LINK: **

Transcript: Monday

*Century of Lies*, 29:00,  Cliff Schaffer of Marijuana Business News & Drug Library + Bill Piper of the Drug Policy Alliance & Aunt Sandys recipe for cannabis tincture


*4:20 Drug War NEWS*, 3:00 each, available at on right margin

Sun - Bill Piper with Drug Policy Alliance re Obama's willingess to discussion of drug prohibition Sat - Cannabis flour and "fried" chicken with Sandy Moriarty Fri - Cliff Schaffer, publisher of and Thu - Irvin Rosenfeld receives 300 cannabis cigarettes from the US Govt every 25 days Wed - Sandy Moriarty's recipe for cannabis tincture Tue - Mary Jane Borden of Drug War Facts asks: "How are women affected by the drug war?"

Mon - Terry Nelson of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition re Obama and drug legalization

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Dean Becker

Producer: Drug Truth Network,

Speaker: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
