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Drug Truth Network 04/03/11

Submitted by dguard on

*DRUG TRUTH NETWORK PROGRAMS, Apr 3 to Apr 10, 2011*

*Cultural Baggage*, 04/03/11, 29:00,   Margaret Dooley-Sammuli of the

Drug Policy Alliance and Nastassia Walsh of Justice Policy Institute, authors of reports on failure of drug courts + "Pee on the DEA" effort in Houston



*Transcript: Monday

*Century of Lies* 04/03/11, 29:00,  Wash state Rep Roger Goodman is running for US Congress and an end to drug war! + Tulsa Atty Kevin Adams re growing police/drug scandal, Montana house sends med mj repeal bill to governor & Terry Nelson of LEAP re politicians grasp at straws



Transcript:  Tuesday

*4:20 Drug War NEWS*, 04/04 to 04/10/11, 3:00 each, available at on right margin

Sun - Terry Nelson of LEAP: Politicians "grasping at drug war straws"

Sat - Nastassia Walsh of Justice Policy Institute, author: "How a Growing Dependence on Drug Courts Impacts People and Communities"

Fri - Margaret Dooley-Sammuli of the Drug Policy Alliance author: "Drug Courts are Not the Answer"

Thu - Roger Goodman, Wash state Rep is running for US Congress and an end to drug war!

Wed - PEE on the DEA DAY! ... Steve Nolin of Houston NORML reports on how and why.

Tue - Atty Kevin Adams re growing police corruption scandal in Tulsa Mon - MJ Borden re domestic surveillance for drugs

*NEXT WEEK:* Pete Guither, Pulisher of Drug War Rant + Susan Boyd, author of "Hooked"

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Dean Becker

Producer: Drug Truth Network,

Speaker: Law Enforcement Against

