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Urgent Message from LEAP

Submitted by dguard on
Dear friends, The contrast is unbelievable. On one hand, we are accelerating our impact: We are close to receiving endorsements from police unions at home and in Europe, I am testifying before the Danish Parliament and the Brazilian Commission on Drugs and Democracy, we enjoyed recent coverage on CNN… And in a New York article, Misha Glenny acknowledged that LEAP is the "most effective" drug reform organization in America. We are gaining strength, making a difference and will not be denied. On the other hand, our growing success has come at a time when many major donors have been forced to cut back. We face a short term financial crisis. We are in the final stages of hiring a development director, but can't wait until s/he is on board to raise the funds that sustain LEAP's day-to-day operation. We need your help right now so we can continue playing the role in drug reform that only we can play. I am making a one-time appeal for your help to bridge a gap that threatens our continuing success in overthrowing the prohibition. You know how powerful our impact is. When we talk about not tinkering at the edges of reform but making meaningful changes in national policy, we can't be dismissed or marginalized. Please, make a generous, one-time donation to LEAP as soon as you can. You can use any credit card through our website, or write us a check to the address below/above. I spent a quarter of a century as a warrior in this destructive war, and now, along with my fellow officers, we can bring an end to the madness of drug prohibition. But the LEAP support system is dangerously low on funds, and that is where you take the lead. You have the power to keep LEAP speakers in front of influential audiences, in person, through the media and on our website which had over a million visitors last year. Without your immediate help, our influence will diminish and the forces of prohibition will be strengthened. Please don't let that happen. Your tax-deductible contribution is your weapon. Please use it with conviction. And thank you so much for your past and present support. Jack A. Cole Executive Director
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