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Urge Governor Schwarzenegger to Protect Patients' Employment Rights

Submitted by dguard on
[Courtesy of Americans for Safe Access] Dear ASA Supporter, Right now, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is considering signing a bill into law that will protect the jobs of hundreds of thousands of medical cannabis patients in California. We cannot let this effort fail! Contact the Governor's office immediately to tell him he must sign AB 2279 into law! We've come a long way in protecting patients' rights to work. Assemblymember Mark Leno introduced AB2279 in February, and your phone calls, emails, and letters helped get the bill passed in both houses of the California Legislature. Now, the final step is the Governor's signature. He can either veto it or sign the bill, and he needs to hear from everyone in California, now more than ever before. It's up to you now to push past this final hurdle towards protecting patients' employment rights. Call the Governor and tell him how you feel. Tell him to sign AB 2279 and make it California law! When the California Supreme Court ruled in Ross v. Ragingwire that patients could be fired simply for using medical cannabis as allowed under California law, we knew we had to fight. We built support with the Service Workers International Union (SEIU) and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), which represent over one million California workers. We also enlisted the help of local Chambers of Commerce, HIV/AIDS advocacy organizations, and many other organizations that have taken a stand to ensure patients do not face workplace discrimination. There is no time to lose. The Governor is already hearing from lobbyists and big business who oppose AB2279. But if you think that medical cannabis patients should be allowed to hold jobs, we need you now! Visit ASA's action page to email the Governor's office and tell him that he must protect the jobs of workers in our communities. He MUST sign AB 2279 into law! Then, call his office at 916-445-2841 and say: "Hi, my name is [YOUR NAME], and I am asking that Governor Schwarzenegger sign AB 2279, the medical cannabis workers' rights bill into law. California is going through tough economic times, and right now hundreds of thousands working individuals can be fired just because of their status as legal medical cannabis patients. People with illnesses should be encouraged to work whenever possible. They should not risk discrimination because of their condition. Thank you." Thank you for all of your continued support, and for being the driving force behind this campaign. Sincerely, George Pappas Field Coordinator Americans for Safe Access P.S. For more information on AB 2279, visit: