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Prisoner Advocacy: Sample letters in Support of Tyrone Brown

Submitted by dguard on
[This post comes courtesy of our friends at November Coalition Foundation] Hello Friends: Below is a sample letter that can be sent to members of the Board of Appeals (Texas) on behalf on Ty Brown as presented by the Save Mr. group: Dear Texas Board of Parole and Pardons, I was stunned when I watched the 20/20 program a few weeks ago that explained the crimes and punishments of two men who appeared in front of the same judge, Judge Keith Dean. The first man, John Wood, murdered an unarmed male prostitute in the back. Judge Dean sentenced him to 10 years of probation. Mr. Wood violated probation by testing positive for cocaine, but he received a mere slap on the wrist—a postcard probation. The second man, Tyrone D. Brown, was involved in a $2.00 stick-up at age 17, and he also was given a 10 year probationary sentence. Mr. Brown violated probation for marijuana, but, instead of receiving a slap on the wrist like John Wood, Judge Dean sentenced Mr. Brown to life in prison. Mr. Brown has served over 16 years of his life sentence, and he remains in Allred Unit today. Both Judge Dean and Dallas County District Attorney Bill Hill have agreed that Mr. Brown’s punishment was too harsh a penalty for the crime Tyrone committed. I humbly ask that you join Judge Dean and Mr. Hill in their persuasive recommendations to this Board and to Governor Perry. Mr. Brown has paid his debt to society, and he should be released immediately. You can be assured that Tyrone will have a solid support group awaiting him after he is released. His mother, Nora, has already arranged his bedroom in anticipation of Tyrone’s arrival, and a licensed Psychologist has agreed to offer his services free of charge to Tyrone and the Brown family. With the psychologist’s professional guidance and the support of several organizations around the country that are closely monitoring this case, Tyrone’s transition into a life outside of prison walls will be made as smooth as possible. Today, as a young man’s fate lies in your hands, I hope you will extend mercy to Mr. Brown, allow him to contribute to society, and reunite him with his family before Christmas. I sincerely appreciate your consideration. Kind regards, _____________ Board of Appeals addresses: Rissie L. Owens Huntsville Board Office 1300 11th St., Suite 520 P.O. Box 599 Huntsville, TX 77342-0599 936-291-2161 936-291-8367 Fax Jose Aliseda, Jr. San Antonio Board Office 2902 N.E. Loop 410, Suite #206 San Antonio, TX 78218 210-564-3721 210-564-3726 Fax Charles Aycock Amarillo Board Office 5809 S. Western, Suite 237 Amarillo, TX 79110 806-359-7656 806-358-6455 Fax Conrith Davis Huntsville Board Office 1300 11th St., Suite 520 P.O. Box 599 Huntsville, TX 77342-0599 936-291-2161 936-291-8367 Fax Jackie DeNoyelles Palestine Board Office 207 E. Reagan Palestine, TX 75801 903-723-1068 903-723-1441 Fax Linda Garcia Angleton Board Office 1212 N. Velasco, Suite 201 Angleton, TX 77515 979-849-3031 979-849-8741 Fax Juanita M. Gonzalez Gatesville Board Office 3408 S. State Hwy. 36 Gatesville, TX 76528 254-865-8870 254-865-2629 Fax ___ Nora Callahan Executive Director November Coalition Foundation 282 West Astor Colville, WA 99114 (509) 684-1550 Working to end drug war injustice, the November Coalition is nonprofit educational foundation -- donations are tax deductible. Visit us on the web at