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Press Release: A Senlis Council Symposium -- "A Cohesive Strategy for the Future of Afghanistan"

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A Cohesive Strategy for the Future of Afghanistan: Reconciling Counter-Insurgency, Counter-Narcotics and Reconstruction Efforts Wednesday, 14 February 2007 Arundel House, London The Senlis Council, in collaboration with The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), will be holding a symposium on “A Cohesive Strategy for the Future of Afghanistan: Reconciling Counter-Insurgency, Counter-Narcotics and Reconstruction Efforts”, on 14 February 2007 at 11:00am at Arundel House in London. The symposium will seek to make recommendations on how to reconcile the Counter-Insurgency, Counter-Narcotics and Reconstruction strands of the effort in Afghanistan. A post-symposium report with main findings and policy recommendations will be published by The Senlis Council and IISS in spring 2007. Keynote speakers: Lieutenant General David Richards, Commander, NATO-International Security Assistance Force General Abdul Rahim Wardak, Minister of Defence, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ms Norine MacDonald QC, President and Lead Field Researcher for Afghanistan, The Senlis Council Speakers: Mr Peter Bergen, Senior Fellow, New America Foundation Dr Patrick Cronin, Director of Studies, IISS Ambassador James Dobbins, Director of the International Security and Defence Policy Centre, RAND Dr David Kilcullen, Chief Strategist, Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, US State Department Ms Elizabeth Kvitashvili, Director, Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation, USAID Mullah Taj Mohammad Mujahid, Chairman, Counter-Narcotics Committee, Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ms Hawa Alam Nuristani, Member, International Affairs Committee, Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Mr Larry Sampler, Senior Fellow, Institute for Defence Analyses For further information and to consult the programme, please visit or