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New JPI Report on Drug Treatment and Incarceration in Maryland

Submitted by David Borden on
JPI is please to announce the release of our latest policy report, "Progress and challenges: An analysis of drug treatment and imprisonment in Maryland from 2000-2005." The report, authored by Kevin Pranis, shows that while many Maryland jurisdictions are making progress towards the goal of providing "treatment, not incarceration" for nonviolent substance abusers, the state's investments in treatment have not kept pace with demand, and the state spends far more to imprison people convicted of drug offenses than it spends to treat drug involved people through the criminal justice system. The report was covered in The Washington Post, The Associated Press, The Baltimore Sun, The Carol County Times, The Maryland Daily Record, and other papers and electronic media across the state, and in Washington, DC. This new report, and five monographs we have written about state sentencing policy, along with recent news articles on Maryland sentencing and systems reform are featured on a new Maryland page of our website, which can be found at Check back with us periodically, as JPI begins to build our website as a clearinghouse on Maryland drug sentencing and system reforms issues throughout the coming year.
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