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Medical Marijuana

Medical Cannabis Rally in Berkeley

Please join us for an emergency response rally to get our resources back and to ask for safe haven for medical cannabis in the city of Berkeley. Please bring as many people and signs as possible to help us rally the city and show local support. Call 510-540-6013 for more info. Spread this far and wide y'all! We need your help NOW!

MPP's Aaron Houston on Comedy Central's "Colbert Report"

The Marijuana Policy Project's congressional lobbyist, Aaron Houston, will appear on Comedy Central's "Colbert Report" tonight (Thursday). Tune in to watch Aaron get attacked by Stephen Colbert at 11:30 p.m. EST / 10:30 p.m. CST. If you miss the show, you can watch it here starting on Friday.

Public Meet Up of Sweet.Net

Please join us for the public meeting of Sweet.Net, a Medical Cannabis Resource NetWork for patients as well as cardholders-to-be. Call 503.363-4588. For more information visit: http://www.mercycente

Walk Across New Jersey Honoring Cheryl Miller

Come and join us as we send a message that the time has come for open and honest government in Trenton and the Libertarian Party plans to lead the way in this fight this coming November. We will make our historic march across the bridge to Trenton to deliver our candidates petitions and insure they are on the ballot this coming November. Once over the bridge we will be stopping for lunch at The Pier, 3430 Rt. 37 east, Toms River. From there we will continue on to Trenton delivering our petitions on Tuesday afternoon to election officials.

Sensible Colorado's Music for Medical Marijuana

Please join UCCS Professor Dr. Bob Melamede and Sensible Colorado staff members at this free event featuring live music, educational speakers, voter registration, and information on Colorado's medical marijuana law.

"Marijuana is Medicine" Premiere at Trenton Film Festival

The documentary "Marijuana is Medicine" will be shown as part of the Trenton Area Filmmakers Showcase. Please save the date and attend the festival to see the world premiere of the first film produced by the Coalition for Medical Marijuana--New Jersey, Inc. (CMM-NJ). Copies of the film are now available on DVD for $15 each at CMM-NJ's corporate headquarters, located at 844 Spruce St., Trenton, NJ 08648.

Coalition for Medical Marijuana -- New Jersey: Monthly Public Meeting

CMM-NJ Public Meetings are always held on the second Tuesday of the month. All are welcome. Light refreshments are served. For more information, call: Ken Wolski, RN, MPA [Executive Director Coalition for Medical Marijuana--New Jersey, Inc., 844 Spruce St., Trenton, NJ 08648] at 609.394.2137.