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Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana Press Conference

On Friday June 4, 2010 at 1:00 pm local medical marijuana advocacy groups will hold a press conference at the State House steps in Trenton, NJ.

WAMMfest 2010: The Life in Green

ADMISSION: FREE with a suggested donation ($4.20). All donations will benefit the Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana (WAMM), whose members are critically and terminally ill patients.

Medical Marijuana Stakeholder Meeting

Americans for Safe Access and Sensible Colorado are hosting a stakeholder meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to bring medical cannabis stakeholders, leaders, and activists together to discuss:

Free screening of Waiting to Inhale

(Optional vegan buffet dinner at 6:30 — $13)

Produced by Jed Riffe and funded in part by the Marijuana Policy Project, Waiting to Inhale examines the debate over marijuana’s medical efficacy and whether and how to make it available to seriously ill patients suffering from diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, and multiple sclerosis. Among other awards, the film was named Best Documentary at the Eureka International Film Festival and the New Jersey Film Festival, and won the 2007 CINE Golden Eagle. You can check out a preview of the film here.

Following the film, MPP’s Karen O’Keefe will lead a discussion about the film and legislation recently considered in Maryland and passed in Washington D.C. As Director of State Policies, Karen was the lead drafter of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act and has actively lobbied for the passage of medical marijuana laws in state legislatures around the country.

For more, please visit or contact Cam MacQueen at [email protected].