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Medical Marijuana

Press Release: Today First-Ever Senate Floor Vote on NJ Medical Marijuana Legislation

For Immediate Release: February 23, 2009 Contact: Tony Newman at (646) 335-5384 or Rosanne Scotti at (609) 610-8243 First-Ever Senate Floor Vote on NJ Medical Marijuana Legislation New Jersey State Senate to Hold Voting Session on Monday, February 23, 2 P.M. Patients, Doctors and Advocates Are Hopeful As Compassionate Use Legislation Moves Forward Trenton - New Jersey is yet another step closer to becoming the fourteenth state to allow safe access to medical marijuana with a doctor's recommendation for qualifying patients. The State Senate will hold a floor vote on Monday, February 23 on Senate Bill 119 (The Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act). The voting session is scheduled at 2 p.m. and will take place in the Senate Chambers. Senate Bill 119 would allow patients suffering from certain debilitating and life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis to use medical marijuana with a doctor's recommendation. Medical marijuana has proven efficacious for relief from chemotherapy-induced nausea, muscle spasms, chronic pain, loss of appetite and wasting syndrome. Patients would need a recommendation from a doctor and would need to register with the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services. When approved, they would receive registration cards indicating that they are allowed to legally possess and use medical marijuana. "New Jerseyans overwhelmingly support this legislation," said Roseanne Scotti, director of Drug Policy Alliance New Jersey. "Polling has shown support running as high as 86 percent. This legislation is moving forward because legislators have heard the voices of constituents across the state. For the sake of our most vulnerable, our sick and dying patients struggling for relief, now is the time for New Jersey to join the growing list of states allowing compassionate use of medical marijuana." Senate Bill 119 is sponsored by Senators Nicholas P. Scutari (D-Middlesex, Somerset, Union), Jim Whelan (D-Atlantic), Sandra B. Cunningham (D-Hudson), Raymond J. Lesniak (D-Union), Brian P. Stack (D-Hudson), Stephen M. Sweeney (D-Salem, Cumberland, Gloucester), Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen), and Joseph F. Vitale (D-Middlesex). Senator Scutari explained the need for the legislation. "It is time that we adopt a policy on medical marijuana that reflects both our values and the facts," said Sen. Scutari (D-Union). "I strongly believe that we have a moral obligation not to stand in the way of relief for people who are painfully suffering from chronic and debilitating illnesses. My bill, the New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act, is a common sense measure that places a premium on treatment and relief." Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll (R-Morris), one of the primary sponsors of the companion bill in the Assembly, echoed Scutari's strong support for the legislation. "If you can go to your doctor and get a derivative of the poppy to treat pain, why can't you get a derivative of the cannabis plant to treat your symptoms? There is no such thing as an evil plant," Carroll said. "If a doctor using his or her best medical judgment thinks marijuana is the best thing for the patient, he or she should be allowed to [recommend] it." On December 15, 2008, the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee voted S119 out of committee by a 6-1 margin and amended the legislation so it would allow for the licensing of centers where qualifying patients could safely access medical marijuana. Informational hearings on the Assembly companion bill, A804, were held on May 22, 2008 in the Assembly Health and Senior Services Committee and a scheduled vote is pending. Advocates are looking forward to New Jersey moving in the direction of Compassionate Use legislation. Don McGrath, whose son-a cancer patient who suffered from wasting syndrome-found medical marijuana drastically improved his quality of life during his battle, was thrilled that the entire Senate would be considering the important issue of medical marijuana. "If passing this bill could reduce the suffering of just one patient in New Jersey, it would be worthwhile and it would demonstrate the concern the Senate has for their most needy citizens." Dr. Denis Petro, an internationally known expert on medical marijuana who has testified before the legislature regarding the scientific support for medical marijuana, praised the New Jersey State Senate for scheduling a vote on the legislation. "With passage of the legislation, patients with serious and life-threatening disorders can be offered a safe and effective alternative when conventional therapy is inadequate. The bill represents a positive step toward a rational policy regarding medical marijuana," said Petro, a board-certified neurologist in Pennsylvania with more than 25 years experience in neurology, clinical pharmacology and marijuana research. Nancy Fedder, a 61-year-old, who lives with her daughter and two grandchildren, is a retired computer programmer who has coped with multiple sclerosis for 16 years. She tried every legally prescribed medicine her doctors suggested while searching for relief from her symptoms, before she decided to try medical marijuana. Nancy is excited regarding the prospects of medical marijuana access in New Jersey. "I have struggled with terrible muscle spasms, pain and nausea, which at times was complicated by the side effects of my prescribed medications. However, after trying marijuana to treat my symptoms my quality of life drastically improved," said Nancy. "I am so grateful that the Senate will be taking action on this important piece of legislation and hope that they vote in support of seriously ill patients like me." Supporters of the legislation include: the New Jersey State Nurses Association; the New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians; the New Jersey Hospice and Palliative Care Organization; the New Jersey League for Nursing; the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Southern NJ and Northern NJ chapters; and the American Civil Liberties Union. # # #

Medical Marijuana Week Sat/Sun: Read the Paper, and Respond!

Read the Paper, and Respond!
Medical Marijuana Week - Saturday/Sunday February 21-22

Dear ASA Supporter,

This weekend when you’re reading the Sunday paper, flip to the Letters to the Editor section and skim the opinions of some readers. The Letters to the Editor (LTE’s) section is one of the most widely read, and its how others learn about what issues are important in their area. As someone who cares about medical cannabis, it’s up to you to write one in support! Take some time on Sunday to write and submit a brief LTE to your local paper!

Letters to the Editor are usually short, only a few sentences or a couple paragraphs that stress an issue in a succinct way. Just a couple of talking points is all you need – and opportunities to write a good LTE are all around!

LTE’s that are most likely to get published are ones that “piggyback” off of current events already in the news. For instance, President Obama issued a White House statement earlier this month that was covered by numerous papers across the country. Now is a good time to send an LTE praising President Obama for his statement and connecting it to needed action by the community. Get talking points here!

Also, President Obama continues to appoint officials who will influence medical cannabis policy. Obama’s choice for Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Gil Kerlikowske was the former Seattle Police Chief who worked under and in compliance with the medical cannabis laws of Washington State. It’s a great opportunity to get talking points and write an LTE!

ASA provides an excellen t tool to find contact information for papers in your area. All you have to do is put in your zip code! And also check out ASA’s site for tips on writing LTE’s and keeping them short, succinct, and to the point.

Keep an eye open for other opportunities to write a medical cannabis LTE. State laws, publicized arrests or raids of medical cannabis patients, caregivers, or collectives, public events or hearings related to the issue, and events hosted by the local ASA chapter – all are great subjects for LTE’s!

As a medical cannabis supporter, if you don’t raise your voice on this issue, no one else will. It’s up to you to bring medical cannabis to the attention of your community through local media! Good luck and get writing!


George Pappas
Field Coordinator
Americans for Safe Access

Fighting for Medical Marijuana

You Can Make a Difference


Dear friends,

Meet Nancy. She lives with multiple sclerosis and risks arrest every time she uses medical marijuana to relieve her symptoms. Watch this video and make a donation to join us in fighting for medical marijuana.

We are now in an all out push in the New Jersey legislature to relieve the suffering of many people, like Nancy, for whom currently available medicines just don't work. We have an important vote in the senate on Monday and then we'll take this fight to the assembly.


DPA Network already passed legislation -- with your help -- in New Mexico, protecting the right of critically ill patients to use medical marijuana with a doctor's recommendation.

Thirteen states currently allow the use of medical marijuana -- and you are a big part of why we've been so successful.

Please make a donation today. Let's do everything we can to relieve Nancy's suffering. Any amount will help. Bit by bit, state by state, together we are improving the lives of seriously ill patients around the country.


Ethan Nadelmann
Executive Director
Drug Policy Alliance Network

Medical Marijuana Week, Friday: Connect with a Prisoner of Bush’s Other War

Connect with a Prisoner of Bush’s Other War
Medical Marijuana Week - Friday, February 20th

Dear ASA Supporter,

On February 5th, the White House issued a statement of President Obama’s position on ending federal interference in state medical cannabis laws. But this still leaves innocent people in prison who would have been protected by their state laws, if they had not been raided by the policies of George W. Bush. They’re still in prison, and they need to know we’re behind them. Today, write a short note to let them know they are not alone.

There are many people currently serving time in federal prison for crimes that would have been protected by the medical cannabis laws in their states. Check ASA’s website for a list of individuals currently serving time. You’ll be able to read their stories and write to an individual whose situation really catches your attention.

Find the mailing addresses for these medical cannabis caregiver prisoners here, along with some helpful tips for writing to inmates in federal prison.

When writing to inmates, there are a couple of things to keep in mind:

1.    Don’t write about anything illegal or incriminating in the letters

2.    Be yourself, focus on giving them sympathy and emotional support, and try to be understanding about what they may be going through.

3.    Use common sense and be forward and clear with your intentions

It is not only those who are currently serving time that need our support, but also those who have yet to be sentenced or who are currently awaiting trial. If, as Obama says, the federal government stops undermining state medical cannabis laws – then what does that mean for those “in limbo;” those who have already fallen victim to George W. Bush’s war on innocent Americans? Get a list of upcoming court cases here – where you’ll also find additional details and information on individual cases.

In addition, call President Obama to tell him about the status of these cases and ask him to grant pardons or clemency to these individuals. Call 202-456-1111 and use this sample script:

Hi, my name is _____________ and I live in __________. I would like to thank President Obama for agreeing to end federal interference in states with medical cannabis laws. It is a much needed step forward and will help alleviate the suffering of hundreds of thousands of Americans. However, there are still many individuals currently serving time in federal prisons or awaiting sentences from federal prosecutions for crimes that would have been protected by the laws in their own states. I ask that the President consider the fate of these people, and whether or not federal prison terms for these individuals is consistent with the White House position on federal interference and the values of the American justice system. Thank you.

Don’t forget that these people need our help. They are political prisoners, and casualties of Bush’s War on Patients. Communicating with one who’s been unjustly imprisoned can be a profound experience.


Josie Weisbrich
Legal Coordinator
Americans for Safe Access

Safe Access to Medical Marijuana in Danger!

"Don't let them take away my medicine." - Damien, longterm AIDS survivor Safe access to medical marijuana is in danger! The Colorado Health Department is acting to restrict patient access to medical marijuana. In March, the Board of Health will be voting on a rule which would rip patients out of safe caregiver relationships and force them onto the streets in search of their life-giving medicine. Help us fight to protect patients by: (1) Take one minute to sign this online petition: (2) Show your support on March 18 by attending the Hearing where the Board will vote on this rule. What: Solidarity event to help protect safe access Place: 4300 Cherry Creek Drive S., Denver 80246 (Colorado Health Department Bldg.) Time: Noon on Wednesday, March 18, 2009 What else: This is NOT a rally. This is a formal Hearing and we need supporters to dress nice and act in a professional manner. (3) Fundraiser: Attend a fundraising concert to support Sensible Colorado's work on behalf of medical marijuana patients. This event starts at 4pm on Friday, Feb. 27th and is at the beautiful Mishawaka amphitheater. Great Music. Great Cause. Show your support.

Media Advisory: New Jersey Senate to Vote on Medical Marijuana on Monday, February 23

[Courtesy of Coalition for Medical Marijuana -- New Jersey, Inc.] 

FOR IMMEDIATE Release: February 19, 2009

For more information, contact: Ken Wolski @ (609) 394-2137

New Jersey Senate to Vote on Medical Marijuana

WHO:      State Senators in New Jersey

WHAT:   Will vote on the New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act (S119)

WHEN:   Monday February 23, 2009 at 2:00 PM

WHERE: Senate Chambers of the New Jersey State House in Trenton, NJ

WHY:       To advance a bill that will protect seriously ill or injured New Jersey patients who use therapeutic marijuana on the advice of a licensed physician. 

The New Jersey State Senate will vote on the New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act" (S119)  on Monday, February 23, 2009 at 2:00 PM in the State House Senate Chambers in Trenton, NJ.  Many supporters of the bill plan to attend the voting session, led by the Coalition for Medical Marijuana--New Jersey, Inc. (CMMNJ).  New Jersey would become the 14th state in the nation to legalize medical marijuana by passing this legislation into law.

S119 will remove the state penalties for the possession, use and cultivation of a small amount of marijuana when a licensed physician recommends it for a debilitating medical condition.  Qualifying medical conditions include chronic pain, cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, etc.  Patients will be issued ID cards in a program run by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS).  Patients will be permitted to grow up to six plants and possess one ounce of marijuana, but they will not be permitted to use their therapeutic marijuana in public or while operating motor vehicles.  Patients may designate a caregiver or treatment center to grow the plants for them, but the caregiver/center must also register with DHSS.  CMMNJ Executive Director, Ken Wolski, RN said, “The bill is very conservative.  No medical marijuana state has a smaller plant limit or possession amount.  Still, it will help a tremendous number of patients here.”  The American Nurses Association, the American College of Physicians, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, the American Public Health Association, the American Academy of HIV Medicine and many other professional healthcare organizations have endorsed medical marijuana. 

S119 was originally introduced by Senator Nicholas Scutari, D-Linden, in January 2005, and was referred to the senate health committee.   Hearings were conducted on the bill in June 2006 and in December 2008, at which time the bill was favorably released out of committee by a 6 – 1 vote.  If the bill passes in the senate, it will then go to the assembly for votes by the health committee and the entire assembly.  Governor Jon Corzine has said on several occasions that he supports medical marijuana and that he will sign the bill when it gets to his desk. 

CMMNJ, 501(c)(3) public charity, provides education about the benefits of safe and legal access to medical marijuana.  For more info, contact:

Ken Wolski, RN, MPA, Executive Director

Coalition for Medical Marijuana--New Jersey, Inc.
844 Spruce St., Trenton, NJ  08648
609.394.2137   [email protected]

This link from the Drug Policy Alliance allows personalized e-mails to be forwarded to all NJ State Senators:

Press Release: House Committee Passes Medical Marijuana, 9-6

FEBRUARY 18, 2009

House Committee Passes Medical Marijuana, 9-6

CONTACT: Former Rep. Chris DeLaForest (R-Andover)......................................................(763) 439-1178

ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA -- Minnesota's medical marijuana bill, H.F. 292, cleared its first hurdle in the House of Representatives today, passing the Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee in a vote of 9 to 6. The vote came after medical marijuana patients and others testified to the relief provided by medical marijuana when conventional treatments had failed.

    "Before medical marijuana, I was in such pain I had no life," said K.K. Forss of Ely, who suffers chronic, severe pain as a result of a ruptured disk in his neck and repeated surgeries on his neck and upper spine. "It was so horrible I wanted to die every day. No one should have to face a choice between suffering unbearably and risking arrest and jail."

    Rep. Tom Rukavina (DFL-Virginia), sponsor of the bill, hailed the vote, saying, "Today's vote is an important step toward protecting seriously ill Minnesotans. The evidence is clear that medical marijuana can help some patients who suffer terribly, and it's time to protect these patients from arrest and jail."

    "This sensible, humane, bipartisan bill is modeled after laws that have been working well for years in states like Montana and Rhode Island," said Rep. Mark Buesgens (R-Jordan). "We should not be using our scarce law enforcement dollars to arrest suffering patients for using a medicine their doctor has recommended."

    Thirteen states, comprising approximately one-quarter of the U.S. population, now permit medical use of marijuana under state law if a physician has recommended it. The newest such law was enacted by Michigan voters last November, passing with a record-setting 63 percent "yes" vote. Medical organizations which have recognized marijuana's medical uses include the American Public Health Association, American Nurses Association, American Academy of HIV Medicine, and American College of Physicians, which noted "marijuana's proven efficacy at treating certain symptoms and its relatively low toxicity," in a statement issued last year.


Action Alert: Protest Rule Changes for Medical Cannabis Caregivers

Action Alert: Protest Board of Health Proposed Rules Changes for Medicinal Cannabis Caregivers Compiled by: Colorado Citizens for Compassionate Cannabis March 2: Written Comments Deadline Feb 20: Pre-Public Hearing "Conference" and Silent Protest March 18: Public Hearing The Colorado Board of Health is proposing sweeping new rules to regulate medical cannabis that contradict the intent of Article 18, Section 14 of the Colorado Constitution, Colorado's medical cannabis law that was approved by voters in 2000. These proposed rules only serve to make it more difficult for patients to get their medicine by forcing them back into the black market. The Board of Health should be compassionate and helpful towards these sick and dying people and not put more obstacles in their way. Currently, patients with a debilitating medical condition and approval of their physician may legally possess up to two ounces of cannabis and grow up to six plants. If they are unable to grow the medicine themselves, the Constitution allows them to appoint a primary caregiver to provide the medicine for them. The Constitution does not set limits on how many patients for whom a person can be the caregiver, nor does it set limits on the type of person that can be considered the patient's caregiver. The Board of Health's proposed new rules set limits on caregivers that are clearly unconstitutional. 1) The Board of Health wants to require caregivers to provide other services to the patient besides cannabis-related ones. The other services required would amount to those of a full-time nursing assistant and would have to include transportation, housekeeping, meal preparation, shopping and making medical care arrangements for the patient. Currently, a person can be a medicinal cannabis caregiver without providing other services. The Constitution only states that the caregiver must have "significant responsibility for managing the well-being of a patient", which would include providing them with medicine. It does not impose any other requirements on caregivers 2) The Health Department is proposing a 5-patient-per-caregiver limit on the number of patients for whom a caregiver could provide. Currently, a caregiver can provide for many patients. Most patients do not have the knowledge or are too sick to grow their own cannabis. It takes years of practice to learn how to grow an adequate supply of cannabis for one patient with only the 6 plants allowed by the Constitution. Cannabis cultivation experts have been enlisted to serve as caregivers and have not been limited on how many patients they are able to serve. As reported in Westword, therapeutic cannabis dispensaries have formed all over Colorado to provide for multiple patients. The dispensaries are able to produce medicines in quantities large enough to keep the cost to the patient at a minimum and to create edible forms of cannabis, such as cookies, brownies and other foods. Cooking with cannabis requires a much larger amount of the raw substance than smoking cannabis does. However, eating medicinal cannabis food is a far healthier way to ingest the medicine than inhaling its smoke is, especially for those with chronic conditions. In fact, having caregivers provide for multiple patients has been the only way that poorly-written Article 18, Section 14 of the Colorado Constitution has worked at all. At the time, the out-of-state authors of Colorado's Medicinal Cannabis Law were widely criticized for not addressing the issue of cannabis dispensaries clearly enough and for not providing any legal way for patients to obtain medicinal cannabis outside of the black market. This left a gray area in the law that the Health Department has since tried to exploit in order to deny patients their Consitutionally-protected medicine. In the nine years since the law was approved by voters, the state of Colorado has been more concerned with putting roadblocks in the way of patients instead of trying to help implement the law. The possible upcoming change in federal policy concerning medicinal cannabis makes it the perfect time for Colorado to develop a plan to provide safe access to cannabis for patients. President Obama has made repeated campaign promises that he would stop the federal prosecution of cannabis patients and create a "green economy." . Recently, the White House reiterated their intention to change federal policy to allow states to regulate cannabis without federal intervention. In light of this new federal policy, it is time for Colorado to regulate medicinal cannabis statewide in a way that provides safe and inexpensive access to cannabis. The Colorado Board of Health should be issuing rules that encourage and regulate cannabis dispensaries, just like any other pharmaceutical manufacturer. Or alternatively, they could enlist the aid of the Colorado Department of Agriculture and the Ag School at CSU to create a regulated state-run cannabis dispensary program. We are urging Colorado Governor Bill Ritter to form the Colorado Therapeutic Cannabis Commission, as described in the Compassionate Therapeutic Cannabis Act, an initiatve that was proposed as an alternative to the flawed Article 18, Section 14 of the Colorado Constitution. The Colorado Therapeutic Cannabis Commission would be a statewide panel of experts charged with the duty of ensuring patients can obtain an affordable and adequate supply of therapeutic cannabis. The key to successful implementation of Article 18, Section 14 of the Colorado Constitution is to put the patient first and find a way to provide them with medicine in a safe and cost-effective manner without endangering them by forcing them to deal with the black market.

Americans for Safe Access: California Weekly Alert

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ASA California Weekly Alert: 2-13-2009

Weekly Round Up
1. Advocates Meet with LA City Council Member to Contest Proposed Ordinance
2. Coachella Moratorium Set to Expire, Council Draws Plans for Dispensary Ban

Chapter and Affiliate Meetings
3. Tuesday, February 17th – Sacramento: ASA Affiliate Compassionate Coalition
4. Wednesday, February 18th – Fullerton: Orange County ASA Meeting
5. Saturday, February 21st – Los Angeles: L.A. ASA Meeting

6. Tuesday, February 24th - San Francisco: SF ASA Meeting
7. Wednesday, February 25th - Oakland: East Bay ASA Meeting

City and County Hearings
8. Wednesday, February 18th - Palm Springs: City Council to Consider Dispensary Ordinance

Court Support
9. Monday, February 23rd - Los Angeles: Protest to Support Charles Lynch Against Federal Injustice

Special Events
10. Saturday February 14th - San Francisco: Spread the Love Valentine Seed Planting
11. Saturday February 14th - Sebastopol: Valentine’s Day Heart Party!
12. Saturday February 14th - Sacramento: Gardening, Work day & BBQ at the Freedom House in Sacramento
13. Saturday February 14th - Berkeley : Natural Remedies Health Services Presents:
14. Sunday February 15th - San Francisco: Celebrating the History of 215: with Denis Peron featuring an unreleased documentary & local Medical Cannabis films.
15. Monday February 16th - Sacramento: Medical Marijuana Art show & Informational Nights.
16. Tuesday February 17th - Berkeley: Book signing and talk with Doug McVay author of Drug War Facts at BPG
17. Tuesday February 17th - San Francisco: CCA Party!
18. Tuesday, February 17th San Diego: San Diego Protest  Against Local Raids!  “A walk towards freedom”
19. Wednesday February 18th - Oakland: Medical Marijuana University 6pm-9pm
20. Thursday February 19th - Oakland: ASA Organizers Training and Open House
21. Friday February 20th - Oakland: Movie Night at Oaksterdam Student Union
22. Saturday February 21st - Los Angeles: LA-ASA Meeting & Activist Training
23. Sunday February 22nd - Oakland: East Bay Medical Cannabis Activists Mixer
24. Wednesday, March 11th - Riverside County AIDS Conference to Include Medical Cannabis Panel

California IconWeekly Round Up

1. Advocates Meet with LA City Council Member to Contest Proposed Ordinance

The Los Angeles City Attorney issued a revised version of the proposed ordinance regulating medical cannabis dispensing collectives this week. However, the newest version of the draft ordinance changed little from the one published just hours before January's Planning and Land Use Management Committee (PLUM) meeting, to which there was community opposition. 

Patients and advocates who served on the city's working group and other community members joined LA Councilmember Dennis Zine in rejecting the City Attorney's draft and calling on the committee to request a new ordinance incorporating the working group's input.  Many provisions in the draft ordinance are problematic, including those which ban edibles and concentrates (both legal under California law), require disclosure of patient data, and seek to exclude storefront collectives from locating within the city with requirements more stringent than those applied to liquor stores or strip clubs, and despite being recognized as legal by California Attorney General Jerry Brown.  In addition, the City Attorney's draft ordinance is based on faulty assumptions about medical cannabis law and patients' associations.

The City Attorney insists that sales of medical cannabis and storefront facilities that provide it on behalf of legal patients' collectives and cooperatives are illegal. As a result of this outdated and incorrect opinion, the City Attorney developed a draft ordinance that seeks to regulate the collective cultivation of medical cannabis, instead of the storefront facilities from which medicine is provided.   In August of 2008, the California Attorney General published
guidelines that make it clear that patient collectives and cooperatives are legal. Section IV(C)(1) of the Guidelines specifically recognizes that legal collectives and cooperatives may maintain storefronts to provide medicine to members.
Dozens of cities and counties in California have already adopted guidelines regulating storefront facilities, and none have seen negative legal consequences as a result of exercising their right and responsibility to enact sensible regulations. In fact, research and experience shows that jurisdictions that adopt regulations have fewer complaints and less crime surrounding facilities. 

Advocates met with LA City Councilmember Ed Reyes and city staff to discuss the City Attorney's draft. As Chairman of the PLUM Committee, Reyes will have a tremendous impact on whether the committee forwards the flawed ordinance to the full City Council or sends it back to staff for more work. Councilmember Reyes made no decision based on the meeting, but promised to confer with city staff before the issue comes back to the Committee later this month.  Community members must continue to let Councilmembers Reyes and Huizar on the PLUM Committee know that we do not support the City Attorney¹s draft ordinance! There is as yet no commitment that the committee will reject this unworkable ordinance.

MMJ Week, Tuesday: Do Your Homework – Know the Issues

Do Your Homework – Know the Issues
Medical Marijuana Week - Tuesday, February 17th

Dear ASA Supporter,

There is a lot of important information out there about cannabis as medicine. Did you know there are over 17,000 published scientific articles on cannabis and “cannabinoids” since 1996? Did you know that DEA Judges have now twice ruled in favor of medical cannabis, and DEA Administrators have twice ignored the rulings? Can you recite ASA’s Federal Policy Recommendations? Spend a day reading and learning about why this issue is so profound.

According to the widely respected magazine, The Economist, “If cannabis were unknown, and bioprospectors were suddenly to find it in some remote mountain crevice, its discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough.” (Economist, May 5, 2006).

There’s a reason for all this excitement. Cannabis may soon be considered one of the defining medical discoveries of our generation. For 40 years, efforts to recognize the plant's medical properties have been denied, ignored, and suppressed - all because of a negative stigma. To fully understand this issue, you should know the science, the law, and the politics.

Learn about the science. Read about Dr. Mechoulam’s discovery of the human endocannabinoid system in the 1990’s and why major pharmaceutical companies are developing their own “cannabinoid” research departments. Read about some of the most important studies of today which show promise in the use of cannabis to treat an extraordinarily wide array of conditions.

Learn about the law. Understand what court cases over the years have ruled for or against medical cannabis. Know why states have the right to enact medical cananbis laws, but the federal government also has the right to interfere with them. Read about the DEA’s own Administrative Law Judge Francis Young, who ruled, “It would be unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious for DEA to continue to stand between those sufferers and the benefits of this substance in light of the evidence in this record.” And read about the most recent DEA ruling, released by another DEA Judge in 2007, which demanded that DEA lift barriers to cannabis research. Understand how DEA Administrators ignored the rulings and acted directly contrary, putting cannabis research back over 20 years.

DEA Judge Francis Young Ruling
DEA Judge Bittner Ruling
Landmark Decisions in Medical Cannabis Law

Learn about the politics. Did you know that even before 1996, 35 states had some form of medical cannabis law on the books, but that they were all unworkable due to legal loopholes? Learn the "in’s and out’s" of medical cannabis laws in 13 states – and which ones are tentatively considered “the 14th and 15th medical cannabis states”. Learn all this and more here:

Medical Cannabis Laws in 14 States
ASA’s Federal Policy Recommendations

And when you're done, you'll be even better prepared to become an ASA Ambassador!


George Pappas
Field Coordinator
Americans for Safe Access

Americans for Safe Access is the nation's largest organization of patients, medical professionals, scientists and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research.