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Medical Marijuana

2009 demonstration by "Is My Medicine Legal Yet?" (IMMLY)
2009 demonstration by "Is My Medicine Legal Yet?" (IMMLY)

Wisconsin Medical Marijuana Advisory Referenda Pass

It wasn't all bad news Tuesday. One of the comforting items came from the cities of Madison and River Falls, Wisconsin, where voters sent a signal to lawmakers that medical marijuana is a winning issue.

Medical Marijuna Industry Contributes Thousands to State Candidates

In the first general election since the boom of the state's medical marijuana industry, cannabis supporters are making their voices heard the old-fashioned way: with money. Colorado medical marijuana business owners and advocates have made thousands of dollars in contributions to state candidates this year. Dispensary owners have teamed up to form a political action committee. And activists last month went so far as to host a fundraiser for attorney-general candidate Stan Garnett.