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Medical Marijuana

Greenway University's Medical Marijuana Seminar

In November, voters went to the polls and passed a proposition to allow medical marijuana in Arizona.

Later this year, the drug will be legally sold for medicinal use.

There are a lot of rules when it comes to dispensaries and hydro-shops, including where they can be built and how many permits will be granted.

As the first state approved and regulated medical marijuana industry education provider, Greenway University will hold seminars during a two day event. Topics include political issues, legal procedures, edibles, nutrition, growing and cultivation.  Attendees can even learn how to become "budtenders."

"We aim to not only educate on the laws and how they work, but also on how to go about opening a dispensary, techniques and information on cultivation, in addition to holding seminars by industry experts throughout the Valley and the nation," said Founder and CEO of Greenway University Gus Escamilla. "This is going to be a thriving industry which can really boost the local economy, but only if it's done right. We hope to drive the message of how important it is to have education before implementation."

There will also be video presentations, product testing and business management education.

For more information, contact 1-888-694-2033 or [email protected], or see

Tickets: $295

Montel Williams Urges Passage of Maryland Medical Marijuana Bill (Press Release)



Multiple Sclerosis Patient and Baltimore Native to Speak at Press Conference to Announce Medical Marijuana Legislation in Maryland

CONTACTS: Morgan Fox, MPP Communications Manager …………… 202-905-2031 or [email protected]

      Dan Riffle, MPP Legislative Analyst …………………….. 202-905-2026 or [email protected]

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND — Montel Williams, multiple sclerosis patient and popular former talk show host, will attend a press conference today to urge General Assembly members to support legislation that would make Maryland the 16th state in the nation to allow the medical use of marijuana. Williams and other patients will be joined by Deputy Majority Leader and physician Dan Morhaim (D-Baltimore County), Sen. Jamie Raskin (D-Montgomery County), and Sen. David Brinkley (R-Frederick & Carroll Counties) for a press conference at 4:00 pm, Monday, January 24, in room 302 of the House Office Building.   

            “I grew up in Maryland, graduated from the Naval Academy, and my family still lives in Baltimore today, so I’m excited about the prospect of helping my home state put in place a policy that’s more compassionate toward our most vulnerable residents,” said Williams, whose father was Baltimore’s first African-American fire chief. Prior to beginning his television career, Williams retired from the U.S. Navy as Lieutenant Commander after more than two decades of service. He was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis a decade ago and has sought treatment at Maryland’s Johns Hopkins Hospital.

            The Maryland Senate passed similar legislation last year by an overwhelming margin of 35-12, and this week, Del. Morhaim plans to file a new medical marijuana bill.

            “As a physician, I see this as just another tool in the toolbox,” said Morhaim. “This isn’t about ending the war on drugs – it’s about getting the sick and dying off the battlefield.”

             Sen. Raskin, who is currently undergoing chemotherapy for colon cancer, noted that Maryland law already provides reduced penalties for marijuana possession to anyone who can show a medical necessity, but that patients have no legal way to obtain it and are still given a criminal conviction even if they are successful in showing a medical need. 

            “Maryland law already recognizes the medical benefits of marijuana but, bizarrely, sends very sick people into the streets and alleys to find medical relief and then exposes them to criminal arrest and prosecution for seeking relief from pain and nausea,” says Sen. Raskin. “We need to put the doctor-patient relationship at the heart of our policy and we have done that with the most carefully regulated and defined proposal in the country.”           

            Sen. David Brinkley, a two-time cancer survivor, sponsored the Senate version of last year’s bill and joined with Raskin in leading the bi-partisan effort to pass it.

            Says Sen. Brinkley, “This is a bi-partisan bill because compassion is a bi-partisan issue. If it were my loved one suffering from a devastating disease, I would want every treatment option that could relieve their suffering to be on the table. There should be nothing controversial about that.”


Medical Marijuana Rules in Colorado -- Your Chance to Speak Out


Public Hearing on Medical Marijuana Rules This Thursday and Friday

Attn: Medical Marijuana Community Members

Please join Sensible Colorado in speaking out for patient privacy on January 27 and 28 at the Colorado Dept. of Revenue hearing.  While the Dept. of Revenue considers the most comprehensive medical marijuana distribution system in history, it is crucial that Department officials hear from patients and advocates about the importance of maintaining patient privacy and closely guarding patient health records. That's where we need YOU!  (Note suggested "talking points" below).

When:  Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011 and Friday, Jan. 28, 2011at 9:00am

Where: Jefferson County Justice Center, Administration and Court Facility, Hearing Room 1, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, CO 80419

Talking Points on Patient Privacy

  • “My patient status, including any diagnosis, is private. The state legislature should take as many steps possible to keep these records confidential. I suggest extending the privacy requirements and fines that the constitutional amendment created for the Dept. of Health to the Dept of Revenue.”
  • “To protect patient privacy, the Dept. of Revenue should minimize the number of individuals that have access to medical files and should take steps to instruct employees not to cooperate with federal authorities. “
  • “Many patients need dispensing centers for safe and legal access to their medicine. State law already requires that the only people utilizing these centers are qualifying patients and caregivers. Video surveillance of patients as they enter these centers will have a chilling effect on patient acccess.”

**Please support Sensible Colorado my becoming a monthly donor today.  See you at the hearing!

Will the IRS Extinguish Medical Marijuana?

The Internal Revenue Service is reportedly auditing some of California's largest and most reputable medical marijuana dispensaries, examining their compliance with an obscure section of tax law aimed at drug dealers. Dispensary owners say that the provision, if strictly applied, could effectively snuff out the nation's burgeoning medical marijuana industry.

Medical Marijuana Called Boon to Ailing Seniors

Proponents of medical marijuana touted its benefits for aging baby boomers at a weekend conference in California. Speakers, including physicians and researchers, described the benefits of medical cannabis and efforts at quality control and self-regulation.
Medical marijuana is a burning issue in Helena (image via Wikimedia)
Medical marijuana is a burning issue in Helena (image via Wikimedia)

Montana Medical Marijuana Hearing Draws Crowd

The fight over medical marijuana in Montana has moved to the state house, some trying to repeal it but most debating what are the best regulations.

Press Conference: Montel Williams Discusses His Support for Medical Marijuana in Maryland

Multiple sclerosis patient and popular former talk show host Montel Williams will speak at a press conference in Annapolis in support of legislation that would make Maryland the nation’s 16th state allowing physician-approved use of medical marijuana.

Williams grew up in Baltimore where his father was the city’s first African-American fire chief. Williams is a graduate of the Naval Academy in Annapolis and retired from the U.S. Navy as a decorated naval intelligence officer after more than two decades of service before embarking on his second career as a national television talk show host. In 1999, he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and has sought treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Following his diagnosis, he created the Montel Williams MS Foundation, which is committed to raising awareness of the disease and providing inspiration to those who live with MS. Williams has served as an advocate for the compassionate use of medical marijuana in a variety of states that have approved new laws.

Montel will be joined at the Maryland press conference by the chief sponsors of the state’s medical marijuana legislation: physician and Delegate Dan Morhaim, and Senators Jamie Raskin and David Brinkley, both cancer survivors.

First Medical Cannabis Virtual Skill-Building Conference: A National Call to Action!

A National Call to Action!

Activist Boot Camp, February 19-20, 2011


The National Call to Action is the nation's first medical cannabis virtual skill-building conference. Re-pledge your commitment to safe and legal access by joining thousands of your fellow activists for two days of community-building, skill-sharing, and strategic planning.


For nearly a decade ASA has been hosting trainings and workshops to build capacity among our base and mobilize our activists. When we began this work, ASA focused on the battles in California. Today our scope is national, and we get pleas from almost every state asking us to help them activate their base and build a strategy to ensure safe access.


ASA's success over the years has been a combination of strategic efforts from a knowledgeable staff, and an ability to empower and mobilize a grassroots base for medical cannabis issues. We have always known the path to victory will be a patient-led movement, and through years of outreach, education and training, ASA has laid the foundation for that path.


ASA is hosting this conference virtually to better reach the thousands and thousands of patients and activists who need our trainings - we know that in these tough economic times we'll train with more breadth and depth if we're able to bring ASA to the masses, rather than the masses to ASA.


Local hosts will receive a DVD of trainings, workshops, and speeches from key leaders and allied politicians, and will join in direct community-building interactivity opportunities with ASA. These DVDs will allow us to memorialize our trainings, making these resources available for chapters to use over and over again as new activists join the movement. The ripple effect of hosting this conference through DVD is tremendous - we know that the benefits of the valuable information organized within will well outlast the two-day event.


Why should I participate?

There is no easier or more effective way to learn the skills you need SPECIFICALLY to become a leading advocate for medical cannabis policy. ASA has the knowledge, resources and history for protecting patients' rights to safe medical cannabis access. At ASA we realize that patients must lead this cause from the grassroots up. These virtual conferences will give you the tools you need to make meaningful change within your own community.

What does it cost?

$75 for the weekend ($50 for current ASA members)

Can I still participate if there is not an event in my area?

Yes, DVDs and workbooks will be available to order online. Simply go to the Activist Boot Camp Registration page and click "My own home" on the drop-down menu under "Location". ASA will send you your own copy of materials the week of the February 19th & 20th.

Why now?

We are currently in the midst of a political climate that we are unlikely to see again for years to come. If we want to capitalize on this moment to the fullest, we must make sure our movement has the tools and training they need immediately! ASA's success over the years has largely been based in our ability to act quickly to current political situations and to mold our public response in a way that is both meaningful and effective. But this historical success is only a foundation, and we must stay vigilant to the turning tide. Fortunately, the tide is turning more in our favor than ever before - and that's why NOW is such a crucial time to be pushing our cause.

How does it work?

ASA chapters and affiliates across the country will act as regional hosts for the virtual conferences. ASA National will provide posters and handouts to help with marketing and promotion, along with DVDs and accompanying workshop materials. ASA staff will also provide one-on-one assistance, working with you directly to help pull off a successful event.

When is it?

The National Call to Action Activist Boot Camp will launch on February 19th and 20th and will be held simultaneously in communities across the nation.

How do I get involved?

If you are interested in hosting, assisting or even just attending a virtual Activist Boot Camp, please contact [email protected].

Sponsorship opportunities

If you are interested in sponsorship, please download these materials and contact [email protected]