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California Three Strikes Reform Initiative Poised to Win [FEATURE]

An effort to reform California's draconian Three Strikes law was foiled at the last minute in 2004, but this year, Proposition 36 appea

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Initiative Watch

With less than three weeks to go until election day, there is a lot of activity on the state-level initiative front -- but not everywhere.

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Medical Marijuana Update

The federal rescheduling petition got a day in court, the feds keep up the pressure in California, a dispensary may actually open in New Jersey, and those are just the headlines.

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Texas Woman Jailed for Outing Narc on Facebook

A case with First Amendment implications has emerged in Texas, where a Mesquite woman was arrested and charged with a felony for outing a Mesquite police officer as an undercover narc.

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Decriminalize Drug Possession, UK Experts Say

The UK Drug Policy Commission has issued a report calling for the decriminalization of drug possession, among other reforms.

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Christie Vetoes NJ Good Samaritan Overdose Bill

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has conditionally vetoed a 911 Good Samaritan law aimed at avoiding fatal drug overdoses.

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Colorado Marijuana Measure Sees Lead Shrink in New Poll

That 10-point or so lead that Colorado's Amendment 64 has been holding onto has begun to shrink, according to a new poll, and the measure is now just under 50% with 9% undecided.

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DC Appeals Court Hears Marijuana Rescheduling Case [FEATURE]

The DC Court of Appeals heard oral arguments Tuesday in medical marijuana advocates' bid to overturn the DEA's decision to not reschedule the plant.

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Amnesty Raps Mexico on Drug War Human Rights Abuses

Allegations of torture and mistreatment by Mexican soldiers and police have increased dramatically as President Calderon wages his drug war, Amnesty International says in a new report.

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Louisiana Man Dies in Car Crash Fleeing Drug Bust

A Louisiana man fleeing a drug bust crashed and died.

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Two Book Offers and a Video for Donating Members to

With marijuana legalization initiatives heading to the ballot, some with a good chance of passage, and with growing international support for a real debate on prohibition, people are talking about

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Initiative Watch

There's less than a month to go, but some initiatives are more active than others. Chronicle story here.

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Medical Marijuana Update

The big news this week is that Oakland is suing the feds over their efforts to shut down Harborside.

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At NORML, A Sharp Focus on the Marijuana Initiatives [FEATURE]

NORML's 41st annual national conference took place in Los Angeles over the weekend.

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New Jersey Finds Needle Exchange Works

A state Health Department review of New Jersey's needle exchange program has found it is working and should be continued.

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Two More Drug War Deaths -- Border Patrol Involved in Both

A San Diego housewife and an Arizona Border Patrol agent both died at the hands of Border Patrol agents in drug-related incidents in recent days, bringing this year's toll of drug war killings

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Richard Lee's Mom Wows 'Em at NORML

The marijuana reform movement has found a most unlikely spokeswoman: A silver-haired octogenarian Texas Republican woman.

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Tom Hayden to NORML: US Needs Peace Movement to End Drug War [FEATURE]

Veteran antiwar activist Tom Hayden opened the first day of the national NORML conference with a call for the creation of a social justice-base

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