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Medical Use... why are we stuck like this?

Submitted by David Borden on
Hello. My name is Anthony. I am an epileptic. My doctors have been trying to help me for a while now, switching from prescription to prescription, different doctor to a different specialist.... needless to say, i think you realize, that the bills rack up. None of the pills work. Maybe ill get a break from a day with no seizures but the next day i will. Every day i suffer from uncontrollable stuttering, shaking, muscle spasms and seizures. Ever since i broke down one day from all the agony an pain i was going through i smoked some marijuana. Not proud of it let me assure you. But im glad i did it. Once i did it i was calm, no symptoms at all, everything came to a halt. i have now been smoking once maybe 2 times in a day. I will take 3 hits at the most, and i wont have any symptoms for the day. Why should we pay for medically produced drugs that dont work and see doctors that cant help us... when i can spend the money from one treatment an months worth of meds and be able to pay for enough marijuana to treat me for at least 2-3 months. I just do not understand this.

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