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CHANGE.GOV The Obama-Biden Transition Team Website

Submitted by David Borden on
President-Elect Obama has a forum where you can Share Your Vision of the country. The Website is CHANGE.GOV, The Obama-Biden Transition Team. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, on the Site Map you’ll see Share Your Vision under the American Moment category; there is also a share your story option. There are only 10 days left till the Inauguration. I am very unhappy to see that CRIME and THE WAR ON DRUGS are not listed on our Administration’s Agenda. The website is a bounty of information and it’s asking for your ideas in almost every area. There’s even a Blog where one blogger asked “Will you consider legalizing cannabis/marijuana/hemp so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs and create a multi-billion dollar industry right here in the U.S.?” The “response” is why we need to dissuade our new president and bring him to realize that Legalizing All Drugs is the only way to end the WAR, and that it is a moral obligation to the people of this country; and the world to follow. Response, 12/15/08: “President-elect Obama is not in favor of the legalization of marijuana.” The site is huge and I have only read a fraction of it, perhaps somewhere else in there Obama Team responds that the reason he is not for the legalization of Marijuana is because, he is too intelligent to not realize that, it’ not enough to END the WAR ON DRUGS! You can even apply for a job on this site! For some inspiration watch the Oscar winning film NETWORK; then go to the website “” and share your vision. Please Help Make CHANGE.ORG Known; Share Your Vision! This President wants your help, I can hardly believe it! Written by Kate Crawford

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