No, of course not, but let me introduce you to some people who actually believe it will:
How much easier? Iâd like to know more. Why would you charge someone with a drug offense for possessing cigars? If they have drugs, you can charge them for that. This is ridiculous.
Unfortunately, thereâs no such thing as a stupid idea when youâre trying to save the children:
Are you crazy? If they can afford marijuana, they will find a way to smoke it. No oneâs gonna give up on smoking a $10 bag because they couldnât get a blunt for a buck. Not only will this plan fail overall, it will never work even one time on anybody, ever. They will eat their stash raw before surrendering to you.
Not to mention the glaring and hysterical fact that you can still buy boxes of blunts and get high five times, while saving some change. This is nothing but a much-needed lesson in economics for people who constantly waste weed by rolling it up in big slimy stinking blunt papers that spill herb into your mouth and make you smell like schwag for a day and a half.
The fact that weâre even talking about this is an enormous exhibit in the embarrassing failure of our marijuana laws.
Council Bans Sale of Single Cigars in Bid to Curb Youths' Marijuana Use
The Prince George's County Council adopted one of the nation's most sweeping restrictions on the sale of cigars yesterday, an effort to curb a growing trend among urban youths of using hollowed-out cigars to smoke marijuana.
The council voted 8 to 1 to ban the sale of single cigars, requiring stores to sell them in packages of at least five. The new law will also make it easier to charge someone possessing a cigar with a drug paraphernalia offenseâ¦[Washington Post]
How much easier? Iâd like to know more. Why would you charge someone with a drug offense for possessing cigars? If they have drugs, you can charge them for that. This is ridiculous.
Unfortunately, thereâs no such thing as a stupid idea when youâre trying to save the children:
Sylvia Quinton, who works with the Suitland-based Substance Abuse Treatment Education Prevention Network, said use of short fat cigars, often called blunts, to smoke marijuana has "become embedded in youth culture." Blunts make frequent cameos in rap music and movies.
She said the new law cannot stamp out the glorification of blunts, but raising the price might discourage some youths.
Are you crazy? If they can afford marijuana, they will find a way to smoke it. No oneâs gonna give up on smoking a $10 bag because they couldnât get a blunt for a buck. Not only will this plan fail overall, it will never work even one time on anybody, ever. They will eat their stash raw before surrendering to you.
Not to mention the glaring and hysterical fact that you can still buy boxes of blunts and get high five times, while saving some change. This is nothing but a much-needed lesson in economics for people who constantly waste weed by rolling it up in big slimy stinking blunt papers that spill herb into your mouth and make you smell like schwag for a day and a half.
The fact that weâre even talking about this is an enormous exhibit in the embarrassing failure of our marijuana laws.
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