There's been a story in the news lately about a fellow that's missing.They keep showing this photo of a body builder with major tattoos and I'm thinking this guy's either a dealer or a rip off type.Today the cops released information that he's suspected to be in the meth trade.Suspected,i thought you were innocent until....The guy's mother was pictured on one of the dailies covers and the pain in that woman's eyes was palpable.There's another story about a retarded and disabled guy that was found murdered in his apartment.I don't even know what number they're putting on this one.The ferries are raising fares again.Local criminology professor and drug war advocate John Martin thinks they should sell beer and wine to make money.Of course he mentions the impaired thing but assures us that there's no problem here.This guy is rabidly anti-drug.I guess he's found his nit-ch and doesn't need any other intoxicants and wants to make sure no-one else does either.Then there's the story about the couple that arrives home and is confronted by three armed men asking:"where's the drugs?"It seems they had a grow op on their street.These idiots got the wrong address.The cops assured everyone they knew where the grow op was.Just too busy at the moment,i guess.The solicitor general wants to fly any and all people with warrants back to where the warrant originates.He's asking for donations and air miles.The mayor of Vancouver says it's the feds responsibility and wants more money from Ottawa.To top it off we have a rash of car keying that have been going on for a few weeks.There seems to be a disconnect between the people and the law.I haven't seen anything like this since the days of Al Capone in Chicago.It must just be my imagination because nobody else seems to notice.I do send the prime minister an e-mail or two protesting his backward stance on the marijuana issue and the Marc Emery extradition.Anyone else can do the same at:[email protected] I think I'll send him one now
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