I just received a note from a friend at DIGG that tells of a mayor asking that a school trustee resign because he had the nerve to vote for legal marijuana.There were 192 others that voted the same way but I guess they were lucky enough to live elsewhere.Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the US a democracy?Isn't a man's vote sacred?Or the secular twin of sacred.This is the kind of thing I'd expect to be reading from communist China or Iran maybe.Isn't it amazing how people lose their mind when marijuana is brought into the conversation?No wonder the west is in such a mess over the drug thing.Our politicians think they can skate to power over the corpse of drug users and try to out do one another on how much they hate dope.This kind of thing is not only undemocratic,it's insane.I hope the voters in this town remember this on election day and turf this Nazi out of office.I sincerely hope it's the mayor and not the trustee that suffers the voters wrath.Some days you just can't tell which way the wind is blowing.The article is on the DIGG web site if you want to read it.
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