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Call for User Activists to work on Inpud website

Submitted by David Borden on
Send out to your local activists

Dear fellow activists,

We are people from around the world who use drugs. Some of us sometimes meet in the real world. But most of us most of the time meet online. We need our own website to be able to organize User Activists on the international level and as a platform for global user activists communication.

In a message last week I announced that we bought and a hosting package. I now call for User Activists who have the skills to build and maintain the Inpud website. I will be part of the website group, but I myself am totally not skilled enough to lead this group. People who know my personal website already saw that the only way I know to make a site is to cut and paste. We need people who know how to do more with site building.

Candidates send in some written (user activist)back ground on themselves and about the cyber skills you have. Send it to [email protected]. Below I give some details on the hosting package and first idea's on lines of work to do with the website group.

I propose 5 days for people to present themselves as a candidate. That is Saturday 3 February.

Share your talents


Stijn Goossens

Website development

What are we going to use it for?
What features does it need to be a useful tool for our work?
Is it possible to transfer the mammajamma forum to our future website?
What kind of a design?
Make it
Anything else...

Website maintenance

Keep it running
Keep on evaluating and developing
Anything else...

Hosting Package Domain name and hosting
Set-up cost €9.95
1 year subscription 24/01/2007 – 24/01/2008
Cost per month €4.95
Total -€58.28
Hard disk space quota 200 MB
Disk space quota 200 MB
Web Users
Number of web users 1 users
Number of databases 1 unit
Number of mailboxes 200 unit
Mailbox Quota
Mailbox quota 50 MB
Mail Redirects
Number of mail redirects Unlimited
Mail Groups
Number of mail groups Unlimited
Number of mail autoresponders Unlimited
Mailing Lists
Number of mailing lists 5 unit
Custom error documents Included
PHP support Included
Web statistics Included
Plesk SubDomains
Number of subdomain names 5 subdomains

2007 IHRC Executive Program Committee

Trekt Uw Plant / Draw Up Your Plant

International Drug User Activists InternationalDrugUserActivists.html

Breakline Peer Support


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