Bert Tathum returned from Dubai today.As I predicted,He started Whining the moment the plane touched down."Why didn't they give me a break",cries Bert.Now remember,Berts a drug cop that got caught with .06 grammes of Hash in his pocket.I'd be very surprised if this guy ever gave any one a break in his life.What Bert calls,"my work",is destroying peoples lives for their choice of intoxicants.Bert would have us believe that .06 grammes of hashish were in his pocket as a leftover from his "work" in Afghanistan.I've worked on some pretty decent black afghani myself and I can tell you if I was caught,I'd do my time and shut my mouth.Not Bert.Bert doesn't get it.He thinks a drug cop should have immunity.The guy did 9 months total on a four year sentence.Instead of whining,he should be kissing the ground he stands on and be grateful he lives in a country with semi-reasonable drug laws.(comparatively speaking that is)
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