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We CAN stop this horrible bill! But we need to act soon...

Submitted by dguard on
CLICK HERE FOR UPDATE Already nearly 700 members and readers are confirmed to have contacted their representatives about defeating H.R. 5295, the bill that would make it dramatically easier for schools to engage in abusive mass searches. And, SSDP and DPA are rallying their lists as well. Click to do your part. Even bigger news is that National PTA, American Association of School Administrators, National School Boards Association, and Council of Great City Schools have all come out in opposition to this bill. Look at some of what they are saying: National PTA: "If we are serious about protecting students and teachers, we must provide ways for schools to address the foundation of these problems, not simply allow teachers the relatively unbridled authority to search a student under the veil of school safety." American Association of School Administrators: “This is not the time for Congress to act like a local school board by creating policies and mandates beyond their jurisdiction. Schools need to focus on the requirements that have already been handed down from Washington. Now is not the time to be adding more.” National School Boards Association: “…this legislation does not do anything to create a more positive learning environment. Worse, H.R. 5295 could mislead school personnel into violating the constitutional rights of students in the errant belief that, as long as their actions conform with the Congress’s general description of “reasonableness,” they must be permissible.” Council of Great City Schools: "It is ironic that a bill purporting to enhance school safety would include a funding cut-off provision for the primary federal source of school safety funds, the Safe and Drug Free Schools program." Click and for coverage of this issue at The Agitator and Hit and Run, respectively.

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