For Immediate Release -- May 7, 2022 Contact: David Borden, [email protected], Eric Lachica, [email protected] Whoever wins in the May 8 Philippine election, a coalition of prominent Filipinos and allies aims
Protestors denounce Duterte's bloody drug war. (
Faced with an International Criminal Court investigation, the Duterte administration in the Philippines has argued that it is investigating its own drug war killing campaign and so the ICC shouldn't. The famous human rights attorney Chel Diokno will reply as part of our NGO side event next week, on the online margins of the annual Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Treaty.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, orchestrator of tens of thousands of drug war murders
An Illinois judge rules the odor of raw marijuana is no longer a basis for a vehicle search, an Ohio move to legalize marijuana is nearing its signature-gathering goal, and more.
Colombian peasants don't wand to be sprayed with coca-killing herbicides. (DEA Museum)
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is confronting drug policy issues as he visits Latin America this week, New York tells employers it can't test workers for marijuana use, and more.
Not only the cultivation and possession but also the sharing of natural psychedelics is decriminalized in Seattle. (CC)
The Philippine government tries to look like it is doing something about human rights abuses in its drug war, Bolivian coca grower factions continue to clash, Seattle decriminalizes natural psychedelics and more.