Web Scan

Submitted by David Borden on (Issue #489)

new Sentencing Project briefing sheets on women in the criminal justice system

Supervised Drug Injection Sites? New Research in Canada Shows They Reduce HIV, Overdose Deaths, and Even Help Encourage Addicts into Treatment," Tony Newman on the Huffington Post

DrugTruth network radio update:
Cultural Baggage for 06/01/07: Ed Rosenthal & medical marijuana persecuted... Again + Brian C. Bennett (MP3)
Century of Lies for 06/01/07: Ryan King of the Sentencing Project on disparity, discrimination and failure in US drug policy + Philippe Lucas of Vancouver Island Compassion Society (MP3)

Steve Kubby at WEHO Medical Marijuana Fest

June issue of the Cannabinoid Chronicles

photos from MPP Playboy Mansion fundraiser

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2007/jun/07/web_scan