Web Scan: People We Know
Alone in a City's Battle Against AIDS," animated "slideshow" featuring Ron Daniels of DC's PreventionWorks! harm reduction/needle exchange program, New York Times web site (accompanying article)
video of former DRCNet staff member Chris Mulligan on Washington Post web site discussing his passion for marijuana law reform, part of OnBeing weekly video interview series.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Chris Mulligan
Hmmm. By admitting marijuana use in this video, he probably puts his state bar credentials in jeopardy, as well as his right to obtain and use a passport from the good ol' USA. He may even have given the cops grounds for a search warrant of his home.
We need more lawyers like him. I may change my opinion of attorneys to a more favorable light after viewing his testimony!
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